Decades-Old A.A. Allen Prophecy Coming to Pass

Decades-Old A.A. Allen Prophecy Coming to Pass

A revival of the devil’s witchcraft in the world and in the prophetic.

A.A. Allen many years ago prophesied a revival of the devil’s witchcraft. We’ve seen a partial fulfillment of that word, but these next ten yearsare going to see a rise in sorcery through campaigns like WitchTok. WitchTok is the most popular hashtag on TikTok.

Occult practices will even find their way into churches like unto the church of Pergamus, which married the world, found in the Book of Revelation. 

I heard the Lord say, “Beware of seemingly innocent entertainment that draws you into perversions of the supernatural. Beware of relationships you enter into with people who seem to know Me but are working for the enemy. Beware of what you listen to, because what you give your ear to will renew your mind. 

“The signs of the times are all around you and the rise of darkness is marked by occult spirits that are looking to woo a generation to the wicked one through cheap thrills and special powers. These occult spirits are working to woo My people from their first love and into a deep deception that causes them to chase counterfeit spirits, false power and idolatry. Jezebel is rising and rising rapidly.”

The rise of the occult is a sign of the end times and it will grow worse. Lester Sumrall once said the church in the last days’ main opponent would be the spirit of Jezebel. The Bible speaks of Jezebel and her witchcrafts (2 Kings 9:22)

Why does this matter to you? You may not tap into the occult, but your kids or grandkids or nieces and nephews  are being targeted.


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