Deliverance isn’t about theatrics. It’s not about how loud you can shout, how dramatic the manifestation is, or how many people fall under the power.
Deliverance is about authority. True authority doesn’t come from a microphone, a title, or an impressive reputation—it comes from a life fully surrendered to Christ.
The sons of Sceva in Acts 19 learned this the hard way. They tried to cast out demons using the name of Jesus whom Paul preached, but the demons responded, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” (Acts 19:15). The enemy isn’t moved by empty words or borrowed faith—he recognizes real authority, and he knows when someone is faking it.
You Can’t Cast Out What You Compromise With
One of the biggest mistakes in deliverance ministry is trying to cast out demons while secretly entertaining the same spirits. You can’t break chains if you’re still bound. You can’t cast out lust if you’re watching pornography. You can’t cast out a lying spirit if you manipulate people. You can’t rebuke the spirit of Jezebel if you tolerate control and compromise in your own life. Deliverance starts with YOU. Before you set others free, ask the Holy Spirit to shine His light on every hidden area of your own heart.
This is why Jesus said, “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5). Hypocrisy in deliverance ministry is dangerous—it will either render you ineffective or expose you to unnecessary spiritual warfare.
Authority Comes From Intimacy with God
Deliverance is not about formulas or religious rituals; it’s about relationship with Jesus. True authority comes from intimacy. The closer you are to the Father, the more you walk in His power. When you live a life of prayer, fasting, and holiness, demons recognize that you are marked by the presence of God.
Jesus Himself said, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21). Some battles require deeper consecration. You can’t live a spiritually lazy life and expect demons to obey you. The anointing costs something.
The Devil Knows Who’s Playing Church
The enemy isn’t afraid of lukewarm Christians. He laughs at those who claim to have power but lack the lifestyle to back it up. But when a true disciple of Jesus walks into the room, darkness trembles. Why? Because a believer who knows their authority in Christ is a threat to the kingdom of hell.
If you want to walk in the fullness of deliverance ministry:
- Live a life of purity—don’t compromise.
- Spend time in prayer and fasting—build your spirit.
- Stay humble—deliverance is about setting captives free, not elevating yourself.
- Know your authority—when you speak, hell should know you mean business.
Deliverance is warfare, but in Christ, we have already won. Walk in that victory.
Check out my School of Deliverance at School of the Spirit.
#DeliverancePower #NoCompromise #WalkInAuthority