▶▶Get your copy of Accelerated Healing by John Proodian: https://amzn.to/2HmTIHC
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Sid Roth with John & Janet Proodian on It's Supernatural! © 2018
John Proodian is known for major miracles. But for 30 years before that he only saw headaches healed. One day God showed him what was missing.
John Proodian can help you receive from God!
For 30 years John Proodian’s ministry resembled a “parked car.” When God told John healing should be “taken fast,” John did not argue. If you have wondered about a delayed healing, John’s teaching on healing miracles will release new life and power in your life!
Accelerated Healing urges you to leave delays and unbelief at the curb. John shares from the surge of miracles he has seen since God opened his eyes to what he was doing wrong. John wants you to:
• Access the healing power of the atonement
• Activate the “take it fast” principle; follow God’s instruction to receive your healing!
• Rekindle your faith with miracle stories of accelerated healings.
• Operate in the gift of faith by cooperating with the Holy Spirit.
John Proodian wants you to take hold of everything Jesus purchased. God wants you healed!
Dr. John Proodian is a former university professor and graduate of Randy Clark’s Global School of Ministry. He ministers with Dr. James Maloney through Dove on the Rise International, releasing the Kingdom of God in signs, creative miracles and healing.
▶▶Get your copy of Accelerated Healing by John Proodian: https://amzn.to/2HmTIHC
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Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2018