On one of my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcasts, I heard the Lord say: “Behold, I do a new thing. Behold, I do a new thing, I do a new thing. I do not do an old thing.”
Beloved, the Lord is not doing what He did yesterday. The Lord is doing a new thing. He’s not doing what He did 10 years ago. Stop looking backwards. Reject the longings of yesterday.
The Lord showed me many are looking over their shoulder to the past; looking over their shoulder at the devil, wondering, “Is he chasing me? Is he after me?” I break that assignment to look over your shoulder, in the name of Jesus!
Don’t look back. Don’t be like Lot’s wife, paralyzed by your past. Don’t look over your shoulder and turn into a pillar of salt, mesmerized by the destruction of the past. Look up; be heavenly minded.
The Lord shows many are being persecuted. We’re to act like Stephen the evangelist in the Book of Acts. The religious haters of the day were stoning him. As he was dying, he looked up to heaven and saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father and said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” He took a page out of Jesus’ book when He was on the cross and cried out—“Forgive them Father, for they don’t know what they are doing.”
Many have been persecuted in this season. You’ve been maligned. You’ve been under appreciated. You’ve been overwhelmed. Whatever they’ve done to you, just look up at Jesus, just look up at the heavens.
Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. Do you know what He’s doing? The Bible says that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for you (see Hebrews 7:25). He’s praying for you. You can make it.
Press! It’s time to press past that hard place. Maybe you’ve wallowed in it. Maybe you’ve felt sorry for yourself. You have no reason to feel sorry for yourself. You’re a child of the king. The devil is under your feet. That self-pity is just a snare of the devil.
No more, “Woe is me.” Look at the wow of God!
You can find more content like this at www.morningswiththeholyspirit.com. Be sure to join my prayer broadcasts, or watch the replay.