Don’t Be a Prophecy Chaser—Be a God Seeker By J. Lee Grady

Don’t Be a Prophecy Chaser—Be a God Seeker By J. Lee Grady

I meet many people today who tell me they need a word from God. I’ve seen Christians line up in front of prophets, hoping for a quick solution to their problem. I’ve also seen those same Christians stand in line a second time, in front of the same prophets, because they didn’t like the word they received the first time! I call these people “prophecy chasers.”

I love the gift of prophecy, and I’m grateful that the church today has made room for this precious gift. God has used me to give many prophetic words. Yet it concerns me that some people in the Spirit-filled community have dragged this gift down to their own level—to misuse, abuse and cheapen.

God loves to speak to His people, and I believe He has a fresh word for all of us at the right time. But there is a right way and a wrong way to seek God for His prophetic direction. Here are some guidelines that will help you:

  1. Read God’s Word regularly. Many charismatic Christians crave a “direct” word from God, yet they refuse to spend time reading the Bible. They may even consider reading Scripture “religious” or boring—yet they love the thrill of getting a prophetic word in a public meeting. Carnal Christians are not willing to be disciplined students—they want their prophetic words handed to them on silver platters. You will never become a mature Christian if you don’t learn to hear from God on your own through His Word.
  1. Look to God for direction, not man. I seek God daily for strength and direction. I don’t chase prophets to tell me what to do or to show me my spiritual purpose. God can certainly use a prophet to speak to me—prophets are gifts to the body of Christ—but my focus is on God, not on the men or women He uses. If you ever start looking to a human being as your source of divine guidance, you are heading toward unhealthy idolatry.

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