Dutch Sheets Has a Word About the Mid-Term Elections

Dutch Sheets Has a Word About the Mid-Term Elections

The midterm elections are taking place right around the corner — next week, November 6. There’s a lot of noise that surrounds election times in our nation. What we are seeing on the news is a reflection, in the natural, of the enemy losing his grip; he is doing all he can to stir up violence, division, and hopelessness. But be encouraged…God is also on the move!

Even though the enemy likes to highlight our differences and stir up strife in order to create chaos, we are still in the middle of a God-ordained turnaround. The enemy is losing ground that he has held for decades. America is being restored. Our judicial system is returning to its appropriate roll.

If you have been torn over the local election in your area and are wondering who to vote for, some of my guiding principles are: biblical principles, family values, pro-life. Vote for those who will honor God by leading well in those areas. For me, other issues will then fall in line. I believe these are primary in keeping a house — or nation — in order so that righteousness may flow down to all the other areas of our government. For righteousness does indeed exalt a nation. (There is a short video in this email with more on this.)

In moments like this, it is important to tune out the noise and keep our focus on the Lord. We are in a three-year season of turnaround and are only at the beginning. In the upcoming elections, vote as an act of faith for all God is going to do in order to turn this nation around — to restore America. Amid all the chaos, don’t lose heart. Don’t lose faith. Keep moving forward.


Forr Awakening,
Dutch Sheets

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