Dutch Sheets: It’s Time to Prepare for Victory

Dutch Sheets: It’s Time to Prepare for Victory

Thankfully, another great awakening has begun in America. And I have great hope that the coming season of revival will produce far different results. There are a growing number of Christians who believe the Church is Christ’s Kingdom government (ekklesia) on earth and, as such, has both the assignment AND ability to disciple nations according to His commission in Matthew’s gospel.

This current emphasis by Holy Spirit on influencing the 7 mountains of society (Family, Religion, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Business, Education, and Media) is an example. This teaching, first taught in the 70’s by Bill Bright of Campus Crusade For Christ and Loren Cunningham of Youth With A Mission, did not gain any real momentum at the time. Believers simply did not have the faith or, frankly, the theology necessary to embrace such a radical concept. Thankfully, this has changed and many now embrace the teaching.

The importance of this understanding cannot be exaggerated. It will fully restore America’s purpose and destiny, not only as an international voice of the gospel (Mark’s commission), but also as a discipling light to the nations (Matthew’s commission). As we enter 2019, prepare yourself for an even greater surge of spiritual power and momentum. The best days of the Church—and of America—are not in our past; they are in our future.

Be encouraged…and prepare for victory!

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