Exponential Growth in the Harvest Fields – a Sign of What’s to Come

Exponential Growth in the Harvest Fields – a Sign of What’s to Come

Watch the Exponential Growth of Crops

Exponential: (of an increase) becoming more and more rapid.

I saw and heard, in a vision, that the harvest fields in the natural will have exponential growth this season. I was taken into the spirit where I saw the fields, and a voice began to declare loudly, “There will be exponential growth of crops this harvest season, and this will be a sign in the natural of what is coming this year in the spirit.”

I knew in my spirit that we would see a miraculous quantity of fruits and vegetables as they are gathered in the coming months throughout the fall of 2019 and the spring of 2020. People will be amazed that their fields are yielding more produce than before. They will say that it must have been from the increase in rain.

The Lord says, “Yes, it is from the increase of rain—the refreshing rain of My presence has released upon the lands. I have heard the prayers of My people and I am coming to heal the land. As a sign, I am increasing the size and quantity of the produce to confirm there will be an increase in My Church productivity to reap the great harvest of souls for Me.

“It is not time to sleep. It is time to move! The harvest fields are ready!”

The Significant Date

I was shown all of this on September 3, 2019, and afterward, I found this Scripture in Isaiah 9:3:

“You have multiplied the nation and increased its joy; they rejoice before You according to the joy of harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.”

It’s no coincidence that I saw this in the early morning hours of September 3, and that this Scripture is found in Isaiah 9:3.

The Spoil

There is a multiplication happening right now in the spirit. There is increase. There is joy. There is rejoicing. There is harvest. And don’t forget about this part—there is SPOIL!

Not only are you going to experience exponential growth in the spiritual realm, but you will also experience it in the natural! The spoil will overtake you as you are obedient to the Lord’s voice to go after His lost sons and daughters. The Lord will repay you for your labor, although we don’t do it for that reason, we do it for Him, but He likes to reward the diligent.

So get ready! We are entering into the exponential harvest with great joy!

The Joy Will Be Seen

Joy will fill the hearts of farmers across the land as they behold the surplus and growth of their produce. The output will astound them. The joy seen on the farmers’ faces this harvest season will be like the joy on the faces of the children of God as we go into the whole world, watching the fish jump into the basket of Jesus, and make disciples for the glory of Jesus Christ.

There is exponential growth releasing for the great harvest of souls. May the people of God arise in this hour and go forth into the streets, performing mighty works to confirm the Word they preach.

Watch the crops and watch the harvest. Watch for the exponential output of crops this year as a sign to us all. It’s harvest time!

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