Extra Extra Read All About It!

Extra Extra Read All About It!

Breakthrough is here!

By Lorilei Cooley

I heard the Lord say…”EXTRA, EXTRA, read all about it! BREAKING news your breakthrough is here!”

As I heard the Lord say this I felt a bubbling up to something that had been brewing beneath the surface that is now going to start coming forth. There was such an excitement to what the Lord was saying as I heard this, as I felt that He was announcing its arrival! He was announcing it so loudly that it over powered the others voices, lies, and confusion that the enemy was sending. There is an UPGRADE to the hearts desire that the Lord is releasing that it will be saturated in such favor, increase and blessing that there will be no room to contain it! It will be as He said and what He has decreed! Get ready to see the release of greater restoration explode all around you in greater ways, as the Lord is breaking the news to you that the delivery of your breakthrough is here!

Malachi 4:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

Lorilei Cooley throughout the years learning the voice of the Lord at a deeper level to grow in intimacy with Jesus and eventually becoming a forerunner and prophetic voice to the body of Christ. Her heart is to encourage the body of Christ through prophetic writings from the Father’s heart, hearing his voice and to awaken others into their true identity in Christ, through equipping and training. Teaching others strategies, unlocking doors and breaking through dimensional barriers through healing and deliverance.  https://www.lorileicooley.com/

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