In the divine order of creation, families are the production factories for the society. Whatever we produce in our homes are what societies will become in the coming years.
Therefore, the most important work we will ever do in life is within our own homes.
It is therefore important that, when you raise your family, with your spouse, it is essential that you create a culture that supports and establishes spirituality and God-consciousness in everything you do as a family.
The family altar is important. Altars are where we encounter God and connect with Him at a deeper level. (2 Chronicles 7:14).
An altar is a place of sacrifice and a power point to draw spiritual and supernatural strength (Genesis 8:20-21).
Altars are places of separation where we separate ourselves to God and separate from curses and generational traits.
Every genuine child of God must have a personal prayer altar and every genuine Christian family must have a corporate altar as a lifestyle.
Family altars are altars raised up to pray for the family. Your family altar is raised up specifically to pray for your own individual family and for the needs of other people around you as you feel led and directed by the Spirit of God.
Altars and what we do there, have the power to shape and alter the destinies of families.
The family altar is a powerful place to prophesy over children and release them into their prophetic destinies in life as done for Rebecca by her family (Genesis 24:58-60).
Deliverance from evil, oppression, addictions and salvation of loved ones occurs as we seek God at the prayer altar.
If our altars are not activated, we would hardly achieve the purposes of God for our lives and our families. (1 Samuel 7:2-10).
Without an active family altar, the enemy would have his way in our families and in the lives of our spouses and children.
If we don’t have a consistent family altar, generational sin, iniquity and transgression would follow our children (Ezekiel 18:2-4).
Family altars are therefore important in shaping the destinies of families as evidenced in Genesis 24:60.
How to run a family altar:
You can start by dedicating a particular room or spot in your home for the spiritual significance and to engender the lingering presence of God there as you create an atmosphere that God can bless and reside in. (2 Chronicles 7:16).
Then endeavour to involve everyone in the altar. One person can lead the worship, the reading of the scriptures and the sharing of the word etc. At the meetings let each child pray a prayer, while others agree with him/her. (1 Corinthians 14:26).
Then teach and practice the significances of the faith that tallies with your spiritual beliefs; sharing the communion, anointing with oil etc.
Endeavour to teach doctrines and precepts of the faith, this must not be delegated to the children’s Sunday school class in church. Everyone in our families should know the basic doctrines of the Bible.
Everyone should be encouraged to share the dreams and visions they’ve been having and every other issue that may not emerge in the course of the daily grind.
Endeavour to pray through the gates of time at the altar. A good example are birthdays, because there is a reason the person was born on that day and that day marks the beginning of a new cycle in the life of the celebrant, so prayers must be offered on their behalf.
Families must continually reflect on how they started and where they are now in the journey of life and destiny. This should spark and stir the grace for gratitude and thankfulness.
You must be watchful as the enemy will fight the family altar. Starting may be easy and exciting but sustaining the constancy may be challenging. It is imperative to do everything within our power to keep the fire on the altar alive.