
Finland Prophecy Points to New Prophetic Awakening

Finland Prophecy Points to New Prophetic Awakening

Finland is poised for an awakening. Indeed, awakening is part of the Nordic nation’s heritage. But the coming awakening is going to look much different than the 18th century revival that emphasized the greatness of God, the sinfulness of man, and the insignificance of human efforts toward salvation. 

There’s a prophetic awakening coming to Finland, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that clouds religious revivals in the past with the glory of God. This prophetic awakening, this Holy Spirit visitation, depends on the prayers of laid-down lovers and prayer warriors who will contend for the destiny of a nation.

Largely Lutheran in its Christian population, charismatic expressions will mark the coming revival. Signs and wonders will follow believers who believe in miracle- working power and are willing to take risks to see even the hardest-hearted sinners saved, the sickliest of bodies healed, and the most demon-oppressed set free.

The Remnant Rising

Prophetically speaking, I see a remnant in Finland that is rising up to break out the confines of religious tradition. These are forerunners of the new prophetic awakening that I see manifesting not only in Finland, but throughout Scandinavian and Nordic nations. 

Prophetically speaking, this remnant of Pentecostal believers—a minority in Finland’s church scene—will gain a more predominant voice, first through prayer and later through preaching the full gospel. Many will embrace a deeper Christian experience as a result.

I hear the Lord say:

“Finland, Finland, dig deep down into your Christian roots in the Word of God but be open to receiving present-day truth about what the Spirit is saying to the church. For I will pour out revelation on my prayer warriors in Finland, revelation that will make them bold in prayer, and wise as serpents and harmless as doves in dealing with the unchurched—and even those who oppose my gospel.

“For Finland is part and parcel of my plans in Europe. I have not overlooked your nation. Though it seems insignificant among greater European powers, I will exalt Finland onto the international scene as Finland’s church exalts me within its borders and even beyond. I have a purpose and a plan for awakening and revival in Finland. So begin to pray without ceasing for the outpouring of my spirit that will bring a new awakening in your midst.”

Prophetically speaking, I see a surge in demand for Finland’s natural resources. The country’ minerals, rivers, lakes and agricultural land will be a safe haven for the nation as the days grow darker. 

Secular Christians Surrender

According to Operation World, Finland has a largely secular society, even though Christians number 84% of the population. 90% look with favor on the church’s social work, but only 8% consistently attend any kind of religious service. 

“The last revival came in the 1960s. Strong belief in the power of human reason, and rejection of supernatural things, now dominates the society,” Operation World reports. “An ultra-modern country like Finland probably needs both reformation in the existing Church and also new expressions of faith. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough that will cause people to seek the Lord.”

Awakening Prayer Hubs is holding a digital world tour stop in Finland, to pray for God’s Kingdom to come and God’s will to be done in this Scandinavian nation. 

Click here to join our prayer meeting.

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