Recently, I’ve been consumed by a recurring theme. The Lord keeps speaking to me about how we are in a moment in time where He is DECOMMISSIONING and COMMISSIONING the people of God. There has been such an increase in angelic activity to both decloak the old mantle of the Body of Christ and cloak it with the new, as well as distribute a fresh UNCTION, OIL, FIRE and FUEL to run forward.
It’s a Green Light
For days, I kept seeing the same vision over and over of a green light flashing and then turning solid green. I heard the Lord say, “TELL THEM IT’S ‘GO TIME’!” I felt such a commissioning presence in His voice and a power that was literally LAUNCHING people who, in this season, are carrying SIGNIFICANT and KEY Kingdom expressions, projects, ministries and creativity that will be catalysts for the rest of the Body of Christ.
The word “GO” and the passage where Jesus commissions the disciples in Mark 16:15 kept being illuminated in my spirit. The word “Go” in Greek is “poreuomai” which means “to transport, move something from one destination to another, to go or depart.” It comes from the word “poros” which is a passageway to journey through. God is commissioning us with a “GO” that is drawing out what we carry so we can distribute it.
This is especially significant for those who have felt almost restrained from putting their foot on the accelerator in the past few months, as if the timing wasn’t right to launch and release in certain areas. There have been many shifting and moving parts and components that have needed to align, and many in the last few weeks of May and in the month of June have/will not only feel a PERMISSION to release but also a CLARITY, as if suddenly all the pieces connect and make sense. This is where the dots will begin to connect and the road will be more defined than it has in months passed. God is activating the movement that you are carrying and saying that it’s time for you to run with it!
The Baby You Didn’t Expect
Many are going to give birth to movements and ministries they didn’t even know they carried at all. “This will be the baby you didn’t expect!” I heard the Holy Spirit say. So many have been walking around like spiritually barren Hannahs, not even knowing that they are carrying the prophetic promise to their generation.
I prophesy that your barren, winter season HAS ENDED, and just when you thought your days of dreaming and birthing were done, God is going to birth something through you that you didn’t see coming. Others won’t be able to comprehend why God would give you such honor and favor.
Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Recently, I’ve been consumed by a recurring theme. The Lord keeps speaking to me about how we are in a moment in time where He is DECOMMISSIONING and COMMISSIONING the people of God. There has been such an increase in angelic activity to both decloak the old mantle of the Body of Christ and cloak it with the new, as well as distribute a fresh UNCTION, OIL, FIRE and FUEL to run forward.
Recently, I’ve been consumed by a recurring theme. The Lord keeps speaking to me about how we are in a moment in time where He is DECOMMISSIONING and COMMISSIONING the people of God. There has been such an increase in angelic activity to both decloak the old mantle of the Body of Christ and cloak it with the new, as well as distribute a fresh UNCTION, OIL, FIRE and FUEL to run forward.
Recently, I’ve been consumed by a recurring theme. The Lord keeps speaking to me about how we are in a moment in time where He is DECOMMISSIONING and COMMISSIONING the people of God. There has been such an increase in angelic activity to both decloak the old mantle of the Body of Christ and cloak it with the new, as well as distribute a fresh UNCTION, OIL, FIRE and FUEL to run forward.
I also felt that this was speaking into the nations right now. Where things have looked bleak, God is birthing an UNEXPECTED move that won’t come the same way we have seen it come in years past. This move will AWAKEN, ACTIVATE and ARM the Church into action. God is reviving revival carriers in the earth and igniting torch bearers who have lost their flames. I sensed such a strong “call-back” to posts long forgotten, and those who have fallen along the way are being restored.
Even as the conversation over life in the womb continues to spread and laws and governmental decisions are being made, I’m hearing that God is going to do the unexpected. Things are swinging back to life!
Prepare for the unexpected, Church, because God is going to reveal Himself more and more to the world in the days to come.
I kept seeing an “ON AIR” glowing sign like you would see in a TV or radio studio. I sensed that there was a birthing of many new, media-focused ministries that weren’t going be just white noise on the airwaves or in social media platforms, but were anointed to DISRUPT the noise with an ERUPTION of God’s glory.
God is commissioning people, in this hour, to give their lives to being the light in media, restoring truth and exalting the name of Jesus. Media apostles are arising who will be innovators to build Kingdom platforms and creative outlets for the Kingdom to shine its light even brighter.
Many who are reading this right now have been in a tug of war over this because you know you have truth to release, but you are seeing beyond the confines and limitations of current platforms. “BUILD with Me, DREAM with Me!” says the Lord.
I also felt that the “On Air” sign was indicative of this season of TAKING BACK THE AIR for the Kingdom. This is a prophetic sign and public declaration for this season. The enemy may have had the media airwaves for a long time, but now the SONS and DAUGHTERS are ON AIR and things are changing!
The Carousel and the Room of Mirrors
I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was at a carnival and the same situation repeated itself. First of all, I was on a carousel that didn’t seem to ever stop and I wanted to get off. It didn’t feel fun or exciting, in fact, I was feeling nauseous and frightened because I felt like I was missing out on something else. Suddenly, I was in a room full of crazy mirrors that were distorting what I looked like. I was lost in this confusing, unsettling maze, unable to find the exit.
The next morning the Lord said to me that there was an ending and a severing of an assignment to trap and delay people from entering into their promises. It was an assignment of the enemy to lure, divert, distort and trap people in a cycle which they felt unable to move on from. There has been such a great spirit of confusion on people that they haven’t been able to discern truth, and have even lost their identities in the process. I command that demonic assignment ENDED, in Jesus’ name!
God is Putting a Stop to Stoplight Alignments
Many of you are feeling the uncomfortable decommissioning of old assignments and alignments, but Holy Spirit has been highlighting a specific decommissioning happening in the spirit right now.
Many of you have been surrounded by opposing voices that don’t want you to move forward. They are the STOPLIGHTS in your life that have continually held you back by showing up at every turn to make sure you never rise up higher and never see the fulfillment of your dreams. You can’t be surrounded by those voices when moving forward because YOUR VOICE and YOUR EXPRESSION, is too valuable to be shut down and faded out. God is bringing exposure to the assignments and alignments that keep zapping your strength and taking the wind out of your sails. Instead, God wants to surround you with family who are safe to grow with, dream with and show your pearls to without fear of them being trampled.
Watch as God severs these unequally yoked ties and gives you back the passion and ferocity you felt you lost in the past season while living under the weight of people’s words and control. Remember, you don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but you can’t keep allowing the enemy to steal your voice through these relational avenues. God is JEALOUSLY calling you out of bondage from usurping and disabling agendas that only leave you empty and passionless, with your voice silenced. I prophesy that YOUR ROAR IS COMING BACK!
Delay Ends Here!
I was talking to the Lord the other morning when He highlighted a Scripture to me from Revelation 10:5-7, “Then the mighty angel whom I saw astride the sea and the land raised his right hand to Heaven and swore an oath by Him who lives for an eternity of eternities, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and Sea and all that is in them: No more delay! For in the day when the seventh angel is to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, just as He announced to His servants the prophets.”
As I read this Scripture I felt an incredible presence of the Lord in my room, and I had a strong sense that the Lord was dealing with delay that has been keeping many from being able to move forward in this season. Many people are pushing hard and trying their best to get ahead and be good stewards of their prophetic words, but feel like there is little to no fruit showing for their efforts – like the cogs seem to be moving slower than expected. But I believe God is DECOMMISSIONING the delay that has been against you and your promises.
I prophesy that this is your GREEN-LIGHT, NO-DELAY season of UNEXPECTED BIRTHING, RELEASING, FLOWING with the Spirit and RUNNING forward. This is the end of disabling voices and influences. This is a season of a NEW SONG arising, the AMPLIFICATION of your voice, and the RESTORATION of clarity, purpose and joy in Jesus’ name!