God is Giving Mantles of Influence to Sold-Out Intercessors

God is Giving Mantles of Influence to Sold-Out Intercessors

I heard the Lord say, “I am calling forth the intercessory influencers to make a mark in the spirit realm that the enemy can’t ignore. He will bow at the sound of your voices in the name of Christ. I am calling forth intercessory influencers who will decree My Word in the atmosphere so angels can rise up and use it as a sword to fight and execute my plans in the earth.

“I am calling forth intercessory influencers who will set aside childish things and the distractions of this age to hear My heart and pray My Word. As they press in to deeper dimensions of prayer, they will see an increase in influence, increase in favor and an increase in wisdom. Intercession is not for the faint of heart, but it moves My heart to action. Intercessors, stand on your watch, pray, and receive My mantle of influence.”

A mantle of influence. That’s quite a word! What kind of influence? Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, which has a spiritual bent, defines influence this way: “a power whose cause and operation are unseen; spiritual power, or the immediate power of God on the mind; as divine influence; the influences of the Holy Spirit.”

The Intercessor’s Reward

I’ve always said some of the greatest rewards in heaven will go to the intercessors. Intercessors in all their diverse functions and gift mixes release prayer power that activates God’s will in the earth. Persistent intercessors can change the course of history. But intercessors will not just get rewards in heaven. They will receive rewards in this lifetime.

I believe one of the rewards in this life is influence. I believe another is intimacy with the Lord. You can’t go all in with intercession without the Lord revealing more of Himself to you. As He said to Abraham, who was a praying prophet, “I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward” (Gen. 15:1)

On the Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I was praying about influencers rising under the influence of Christ. It occurred to me through my expository prayer that some intercessors have more influence in the earth than the most popular preachers.

See, it’s one thing to have influence in the natural realm. It’s another thing to have influence in the spirit realm. Some preachers are full of charisma and carry influence with people but have little influence in the spirit because their intercessory prayer life is lacking. Some intercessors will never step foot out of the prayer closet to preach a sermon, but have far greater influence with heaven and hell because of their persistent petitions.

START AN AWAKENING PRAYER HUB AT AWAKENINGPRAYERHUBS.COM. Lou Engle, Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Patricia King, Mike Bickle and others are all talking about Awakening Prayer Hubs.

The Intercessor’s Motive

Know this: the motive makes a difference. Some preachers are motivated by fame, but all serious intercessors are motivated by love. Some preachers are motivated by money, but all serious intercessors are motivated by the Spirit of God’s urging to pray. You can preach with a motive of self-glory but intercessors pray from a motive that is self-sacrificial.

In Matthew 6:2, Jesus said, “Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.” The same applies to anything you do for the purpose of favor or recognition from man. But true intercessors are not looking for any recognition. The prayer answers are their reward.

I’d rather have influence in the spirit than influence in the natural—but you can have both. These two are not mutually exclusive. God has rewarded me with influence in the natural. Over 1 million people a month listen to my prayer broadcasts. But that influence came not through striving, or even sowing financial gifts into someone else’s ministry. That influence came through being obedient to make intercession.

When your motive is right, God can trust you with greater influence. When you are willing to minister without the reward of man—the applause of man, the financial gifts from man, the favor of man—God can give you favor and influence in the spirit and in the earth. When you make intercession, you are acting like Christ, who is sitting at the right hand of the Father even now continually making intercession for us.

When you make prayer your life’s work, you get heaven’s rewards that are eternal. When you strive to make your name great, you have earth’s reward that are temporary.

START AN AWAKENING PRAYER HUB AT AWAKENINGPRAYERHUBS.COM. Lou Engle, Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Patricia King, Mike Bickle and others are all talking about Awakening Prayer Hubs.

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