God’s Perfect Plan in This Season

God’s Perfect Plan in This Season

God is faithful to His plans. Nothing can block or stop His purposes on the earth. For instance, take the story of Jacob and Esau. In Genesis 25:23 the Lord spoke directly to Rebekah about the children she would give birth to when He said, “…Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.”

Although tradition dictated that the birthright went to the oldest son, Jacob convinced Esau to surrender it when Esau was desperately hungry one afternoon (Genesis 25:29-34). Later in Genesis 27, Jacob fools his father into giving him the blessing instead of Esau. Tradition did not allow for the younger son to receive the birthright and the blessing from the older son, but it was what God had prophesied to Rebekah before her sons were even born. God had a purpose in blessing Jacob which declared that Jacob would be the younger son, and because of that, even tradition couldn’t stand in the way of God’s purposes.

What does this mean for you? It means that no matter how things may appear, what the test results say, or even what your bank account reads, God will be true to His word. His answer may not add up or make sense, but He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). Stand in faith this month on the words that He has given you, hold onto the promises He’s spoken to your spirit, and don’t let go of what you know in your heart to be true.

His ways are not our ways and His plans are not our plans (Isaiah 55:8-9), so the chances are likely that His plans won’t make sense according to Earth’s standards. When you are able to stand in faith, you will see the unmistakable hand of God move on your behalf this month.

The Promise of Life

“Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelek, his wife and his female slaves so they could have children again, for the Lord had kept all the women in Abimelek’s household from conceiving because of Abraham’s wife Sarah.” (Genesis 20:17-18)

God is declaring, “I am healing the wombs of My people.” Just as He did in Genesis 20 in the story of Abraham and Abimelek, God is once again opening wombs. Women who have been told they will never bear children, bodies that haven’t been able to carry a baby to term, women past childbearing age, and those who haven’t ever been able to conceive will finally become pregnant. God is removing roadblocks (previous problems, faulty anatomies, or emotional distresses) that have prevented viable pregnancies in the past. Stand in faith this month, continuing to believe for your promise. God’s promise of life is undeniable, unshakable, and irrefutable.

Restored Connection

“And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” (Malachi 4:6 NKJV)

God is restoring parents and children. Parents, you will find supernatural grace to let go of the ways you’ve failed or the ways you feel like you’ve failed your children. As you release this shame, it will open up an avenue for you to connect to your children in greater measure.

If you are a parent who has struggled with this feeling and you have confessed your failings to God, know that He has already released and forgiven you for what has been holding you up in your mind and heart from truly connecting with your children. The shame and regret over past mistakes (or perceived mistakes) has prevented you from allowing yourself to be loved, and from accepting yourself. As you release yourself from shame, you will open the door for your children to accept you and reconcile with you. As you watch for opportunities to receive God’s love for yourself, you may see things shift in relationships with estranged children this month.

Organic Discipleship

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)

Discipling someone can at times feel daunting, and it is easy to disqualify yourself because you don’t feel like you measure up, or that you’re far enough along to be leading someone else. There is a way for discipleship to feel more organic and easy. Some old ideas of what discipleship feels like are not actually founded in truth. It doesn’t have to be so hard!

God is reminding us that we all have the capacity to disciple, and that we need to be discipled, too.Authenticity, surrender, and willingness are what is required to be successful at leading others. Those following you will be encouraged and strengthened by your willingness to share your own mistakes and failures. Just as they stepped out in humility to seek someone to disciple them, humility is also required of you to lead them into truth. God’s design for discipleship requires humility on both sides.

Watch for opportunities, even this month, to lead someone near you, and to be led by someone who’s farther along than you are. Humility may just open that door. The Body of Christ needs leaders who are authentic in their leadership, and you are called to be a part of that transformation.


1. The favor in my life blesses others.
2. God’s plan for me is perfect.
3. God’s promise of life is undeniable.
4. I receive God’s love for me.
5. Humility opens the door for leadership.

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