High Altitude

High Altitude

He’s calling you to a higher place of rest!

By Daneen Bottler

As I was praying, the Lord showed me a vision of an eagle soaring over its territory. The Lord had me watch from the beginning as this majestic eagle took off from its perch on a tree and flew through the sky; he began to circle, soaring higher and higher, higher and higher until I could barely make out the shape of him with my eyes.

The Holy Spirit began reciting to me Isaiah 40:31
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

I heard the Lord say,

“Many of my people have been under siege. The enemy has moved in an areal assault against their vision and their delight in Me, causing many to become weary, lose hope and fly at a lower altitude or get out of the skies and sit on their perch just watching the fight. But I have come that they may have life and have it to the fullest.”

“Receive My words of life into your innermost being, as I breathe on you the breath of My wind and cause you to be carried on its current to a higher place in Me. I am releasing to you today a fresh vision. A vision that sees as I see, a vision that is honed and sharpened as the Eagle’s, a vision that can see from a higher perspective and see beyond the horizon at the same time. This high altitude vision is not dimmed by disappointment or hopelessness, but it is clear and bright with the Light and joy of my Son. I am sharpening, reviving, restoring and aligning the dreams you have carried for so long with a fresh breath of life. I am breathing into you a great tenacity and resolve to fly through the adversities, contradictions and storms to a new place in Me. SEE ME and Soar. It is time to fly higher in Me and with Me than you have every flown before.”

I then saw the word REST and the word TRUST written in the sky.

I AM is calling you. I AM is calling you up higher to a place of rest and trust in Him that you have never experienced before. There is a fresh delight, a new awe and wonder that He wants to bring you up into. This place of His majesty is hidden from natural sight. It is a place where the peace of the Lord surrounds you like a blanket and the Joy of His presence displaces all doubt or unbelief. This high altitude transforms you from the inside out and is a place where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

The Lord is saying,

“COME UP HIGHER! Leave the realm of passivity and enter the realm of possibility! Be infused today with fresh vision, fresh hope, fresh determination; all you have to do is let go of your perch, take off and trust in Me and let the current of My Spirit wind bring you higher!”

Daneen Bottler is a gifted prophetic voice for this generation. She oversees the prophetic ministries and serves on the Senior Leadership Team of Father’s House City Ministries, a church in Portland Oregon. Her greatest desire is to see the glory of God displayed through His sons and daughters, walking in their God given power and authority. Daneen has had the privilege of speaking and ministering at various churches throughout the Northwest and continues to lend her prophetic voice in bringing unity within the body of Christ and to see His Kingdom come.


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