How To Be Free From Addiction: Four Keys To Finding Freedom

How To Be Free From Addiction: Four Keys To Finding Freedom

Have you ever picked weeds only to find them growing back a few days later?  Different addiction in our lives are like the pesky weeds we try to remove only to have them grow back. Ever wondered how to be free from addiction or if it is even possible? If you find yourself struggling with addiction – there is hope. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6) and He is our hope for freedom!

The struggle is often not with our desire to be free, but figuring out how to be free from addiction in the first place. Paul highlights this struggle in Romans 7:15-20 when he says, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”  This is the essence of addiction.  Paul offers hope as he shares his key for breakthrough in Romans 7:25“Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Key #1

Don’t Focus on the Addiction

The first key for how to be free from addiction is to not focus on the addiction.  Whatever we focus our attention on grows.  When we focus on the addiction we are giving it attention.  If we look out the window staring at the weeds mulling over how ugly and unattractive they are, they just keep growing.  We have to take action.  If we stare at our addiction, whether it is an addiction to food, alcohol, or pornography, it won’t change anything it will just give it more attention. In order to be free from addiction we have to take our focus off the addictive behavior.

Key #2

Find the Root

The second key in finding freedom from addiction is to find the root of the addictive behavior. If only the part of the weeds that are picked are visible more weeds will appear.  When it comes to addiction, we have to get to the root of whatever is growing in our lives in order to remove it completely.  We must begin to ask ourselves why we are doing a behavior and continue to ask ourselves why until we get to the root of the behavior.  It is only when we understand why we are addicted that we can begin to explore how to be free from addiction.  For example, Why do I eat the whole tub of ice cream? Because it makes me feel good.  Why do I need to feel good?  Because I’m sad.  Why am I sad? Because I haven’t seen any promises fulfilled.  Why haven’t I seen any promises fulfilled?  Because God doesn’t like me.  In this example the root of the addictive behavior is believing the lie that God doesn’t like them.  Now that the root is exposed freedom is possible!


Key #3

Remove the Root

The third key for freedom from addiction is to remove the root.  Weeds don’t grow if they don’t have roots.  Addictions won’t manifest if the roots in our hearts that cause addictions are dealt with.  Roots are often agreements we have made based off our experiences.  These agreements can either be agreements with lies that are rooted in darkness or agreements with truths that are rooted in the Kingdom of God.  Each root of agreement produces fruit of its own kind.  Roots planted in darkness produce the fruit of death and roots planted in truth produce the fruit of life.  Addiction is the fruit of darkness because it produces fruits of death in our lives, thus, how to be free from addiction is simply to come out of agreement with the root of darkness that was planted in our lives.

Key #4

Plant Truth

The fourth key for freedom from addiction is to plant truth in the space that has been left vacant.  What roots of truth does God want to plant instead?  Once He reveals His truth our agreement with these truths plants new roots and begins producing new fruit in our lives!

The bondage of addiction may seem powerful, but it is no match for Jesus! He has made a way for us to walk in freedom. John 8:32 says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  Planting truth in our hearts and lives is how to break free from addiction.  May you know the truth and may the truth set you free from any addiction in your life!

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