How to Fast and Pray for Awakening and Revival

How to Fast and Pray for Awakening and Revival

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and spoke a lengthy word to me about America. I have read over these words often over the years since then, and I’ve seen parts of this prophecy unfold. I am waiting for the ultimate fulfillment. I heard the Lord say:

“There is a Great Awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries and I long to heal your land … Only those things which can be shaken will be shaken that the sin in the land may be laid bare.

“Repentance. I require repentance from My people who have through the generations allowed the enemy to take ground in this nation. I require repentance for the abortions and for the prayerlessness. I require repentance for the apathy and for the idolatry. You shall have no other Gods before me. I am indeed the God of America.

“Yes, there is a Great Awakening coming to this nation. I am the Author of it and I will bring it to pass. Just turn from your wicked ways and humble yourselves. Stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I am the Lord and I am a Warrior. I will not leave or forsake this country. I will fight through you and with you to regain what has been lost.

“Be encouraged now because as you go forth boldly with My Word and My Spirit there will be the sound of truth and it will prevail in the land. Speak boldly and clearly and watch as the mighty men arise to take their positions on the wall and in the churches and in the marketplaces. For I am raising up deliverers and reformers in this generation who will not shrink back at the challenge that is coming in the days ahead.

“Yes, it will grow darker before My light shines brightly from this nation again. But the light has not been extinguished and will not be extinguished. The time to rise up is now. I am calling you to war. I am calling you to repentance. I am calling you to My side. I am the Captain of the Hosts. I am calling you to victory. I am calling you to destiny. Will you answer?”

Will you answer? Whether you live in America or some other nation, God has revival on His mind. He sent Jesus so that none would perish, but all would have eternal life through faith in His son (see John 3:16). When we answer God’s call to repentance and to fasting, we are helping shape the history of our nations.

It’s Getting Darker

Many years since I released this prophecy, we’re seeing the darkness increase. Keep in mind, when the Lord spoke these words to me I had no idea we even needed a Great Awakening. I was not a student of revival history. This was before the Great Recession in 2008. It was before gay marriage was legalized. It was before Covid-19. Clearly, we need a Great Awakening.

Yes, it’s gotten darker and may get darker still, but I’m contending for the light God spoke to me about in this prophecy. I’m contending for a Great Awakening—and now only in America but in the nations of the earth. I have the nations on my heart.

With that, I’ve put together the Awakening Fast, a 21-day fast to press into these words and offer strategies for the prophetic awakening God has shown me and kept at the center of my heart all these years.

I’ve often taught prayer and fasting is a one-two punch. So that’s the route we’re taking through this devotional and the fast I hope you’ll do along with it.

The late Andrew Murray, who was known for his profound revelation on prayer, once said, “Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal. Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God.”

Collective fasting, along with united prayer, the Holy Spirit’s supernatural gifts, and public praise and worship become weapons to gain victories that are both powerful and dramatic, according to the late Derek Prince1. Both Ezra and Esther saw dramatic interventions from God after a collective fast. So can we. Will you answer the call?

Joining Awakening Fast

​​So, how do you do the Awakening Fast? First, let me tell you how not to do it. I am not recommending a dry fast. (A dry fast means no food and no water.) Second, do not do a water only fast unless the Holy Spirit leads you, or if you have a medical condition that prohibits it.

Fast while you go through this devotional, if possible, and press into prayer. Find more resources for the awakening fast at

A 21-Day Daniel Fast seems appropriate. A Daniel fast is biblical. It consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains. You may drink water or natural fruit juice. No sweeteners, breads, meat, eggs or dairy products.

If you can’t fast food for medical reasons, fast entertainment, sports, coffee dates, complaining or something else. The idea with fasting is you are spending the time you would normally take preparing meals and spending it in the presence of God.

Prayer Points During the Fast

Thank You, Lord, for Your great mercy, grace, and patience for Your Bride. You are good and I praise Your holy name.

Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned and fallen short of the Your glory. Forgive me for apathy and complacency. Forgive me for not being the intercessor and the witness that you’ve called me to be. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness and make me white as snow. Cast my sin as far as the east is from the west and remember them no more. Help me to walk worthy of our calling.

I cry out for your mercy on my soul, my city, my church, and my nation—and the nations of the world. You are a God of mercy and Your Word says mercy triumphs over judgment. Send revival to my heart. Send revival to my city and my nation.

Father, give Your Bride a hunger and a thirst for righteousness and holiness. Awaken Your Bride and help us return to our first love so that we can demonstrate Your passionate love to those who don’t know Your heart.

Father, let Your church be unified for the cause of souls saved from every tongue, every tribe, and every nation. Let strife and competition not be found in Your church.

Father, give Your Bride an unction to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest fields—and to pray without ceasing for the salvation of souls in the nations.

Father, give us a zeal that drives us to share the Gospel with our friends, coworkers and family so they can come to the saving knowledge of the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father.

Father, revive lukewarm believers and half-dead churches that were once on fire for You so they can be positioned to disciple new believers when the great harvest comes. Prepare Your pastors and teachers to help people learn of You.

Father, I come against every demonic influence that is keeping nations in darkness. Break in with light, Lord, and remove the blinders from the eyes of lost souls so they can wake up and see You rightly.

Father, let signs and wonders follow Your Bride so we can demonstrate to a lost and dying world that Jesus is alive—and that He loves them deeply. Help us remember that Your kindness leads people to repentance.

Holy Spirit, convict sinners of unrighteousness and of their need for a Savior.

Pour out Your Spirit on Your Body—and on all flesh. Give us—and give lost souls—dreams and visions that awaken our hearts and draw us closer to You. Soften their hearts and prepare them to receive the joy of salvation.

Father, pour out the grace of humility on the nations so they can turn to You and serve Your purposes in the earth.

Father, heal our land.

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