How to Walk in Greater Victory

How to Walk in Greater Victory

One of the vital keys to your success on this earth is to know the will of God for your life and then to stick closely to what He has revealed to you. If you hold fast to the plan as God gave it to you, you position yourself to access a continual supply of His power, provision, and protection.

Of course, your obedience to God doesn’t guarantee you a trouble-free life. For one thing, Paul himself wrote, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). You will always have to stay alert to thwart the attacks of an enemy who continually looks for ways to derail or discourage you as you seek to fulfill what God has asked you to do. And as you pursue the assignment He has given you, the threat of calamity or danger can never be the measuring rod of your obedience to His plan for your life.

But the fact remains that you can open yourself up to unnecessary attacks when you veer from what God has revealed to you regarding His priorities for your life. And as a result of deviating from pursuing His plan for you His way, you may experience a lack of His power, provision, or protection in ways you never would have if you’d been careful to stick closely not only to what He told you to do, but also how He told you to do it.

It’s true that Paul endured some level of persecution throughout the course of his ministry. It’s also true that he was eventually martyred as a result of standing true to Christ. But a study of his ministry reveals that after Paul positioned himself correctly in his divine priorities and began to focus on ministering to the Gentiles, he eventually experienced a phenomenal level of provision and protection.

Paul even experienced a level of divine protection in death, although that may be difficult for the Western mind to comprehend. Most of those who were arrested at that time for similar reasons were horrifically burned at the stake or endured the grueling death of crucifixion. In contrast, Paul’s status as a Roman citizen positioned him by Roman law to a quick, expedient death rather than a prolonged, painful one, sparing him a torturous end.

During certain periods of time in certain parts of the world, many believers, past and present, have suffered and do suffer to the point of death for their faith. We must remember Jesus’ words: “…In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Escaping trouble was never promised in Scripture, but experiencing the overcoming power and presence of God is promised to those who trust Him as they hold fast to His revealed will for their lives. Times may be difficult, but those who stay on track and refuse to budge from their divinely assigned place will encounter the presence of God’s power to sustain and undergird them, no matter what they face.

If you walk out God’s plan your way, you may enjoy a measure of success, but it will be nothing compared to what you would have experienced if you had stayed with the original plan as He revealed it to you. If you want supernatural power, miraculous provision, and divine protection to be a continued reality in your life journey, you must make sure at all times that you are where God wants you to be and you’re doing what He has told you to do.

I encourage you to evaluate your walk with God in light of these questions:

  • Have I stayed true to the plan God gave me?
  • Have I veered in any way from the assignment that I know God has given me to complete?
  • Have I enjoyed the power, provision, and protection that I know is mine in Christ as I’ve pursued God’s plan for my life?
  • Have I experienced a measure of the success that I’ve dreamed about and that I know God wants to give to me?

If you are frustrated with your Christian life and have wondered why you haven’t walked in a higher level of victory, I ask you to carefully contemplate with an open mind and heart. Study Scripture to  see what happens when a believer deviates from the plan God has for his life, and also how quickly blessings will return to that believer as he realigns himself with God’s original plan.

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