Hundreds Of People Gather To Worship God In Public At A Shopping Mall!

Hundreds Of People Gather To Worship God In Public At A Shopping Mall!

Have you ever been able to worship God in public? Watch hundreds of people gathering to encounter the Lord in a busy shopping mall in the Philippines recently and be inspired to be more bold in your faith.

Worship at the Mall

Victory Alabang is a church in Muntinlupa City which invited their congregation to gather to worship God in public at the Water Garden Festival Mall one Sunday evening. The powerful worship was captured on video and uploaded to Facebook by a member of the church, Marc Chaves.

Even the upper levels of the mall were filled with worshippers! It is such a powerful thing to see a crowd this size not ashamed to worship God in public.

We should never be ashamed that we are of God because we hold the truth.  As 2 Timothy 2:15 says: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

These people are truly not ashamed of Jesus! And, we should not be ashamed of who we serve for we serve the living God.A lot of people were blessed by this display of public worship and are glorifying God because of it.

Beauty For Ashes

God turns our ashes into beauty as we worship Him, just as the song ‘Beauty For Ashes’ says.  Led by Mid-Cities Worship the lyrics incude: “You give me beauty for ashes | And You pull me close to Your heart | You have turned my mourning to dancing.”

“I was blessed watching this video,” Vincent Ignacio Godoy commented. “Nothing is impossible for God. Seeing the harvest in this field, standing here in prayer for more workers. God will give more of this to come and more of hearts fully surrendered to Him. All for His glory. God bless Philippines!”

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