I Am Breaking the Mold

I Am Breaking the Mold

Prepare for ministry not as usual!

By Jamila Jordan Moody

This morning as I rose from my rest, these words began to ring in my spirit, “I am breaking the mold.” I didn’t write down what I hearing right away as I was preparing myself together for work while locked in deep meditation over the crazy   dream I had impressed upon my spirit. And somewhere between all of that I began to receive another prophetic download of encouragement that I quickly wrote out once I made my way into work but this word kept looping in my spirit like my favorite song on replay

 “Oh the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of GOD, oh it chases me down fights til I’m found – leaves the 99.”

Oh GLORY! Yes. Just take a moment and let the reality of GOD’S undying, reckless, never-ending, relentless LOVE sink into your spirit and give HIM praise for it. Hallelujah! This is why I love the FATHER so much. HE loves us. HE draws us close when we draw close. HE is constantly seeking ways and opportunities to encourage us.

In the words of my prophetic mentor, “HE is always speaking way more than we are listening,” and I praise GOD my spirit was open and ready to receive this word I feel a press in my spirit to share with you.

The Word of the LORD

“I am breaking the mold, breaking the mold of ministry as usual, breaking the mode of relationships: business relationships, ministry relationships. What has never been seen before shall be seen in this hour. Over the next 5 years you shall see paradigms not only shift but models, structures and patterns shall be turned inside out and shaken.

 Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps –Psalm 135:6

 “I am breaking the mold of mindsets. I am releasing revelation and causing what is hidden and has been hidden for millennia to be unearthed, uncovered and revealed. I am breaking the mold of stagnant worship for in this hour I am causing a new sound to be released from the heavens with a different frequency: a higher frequency for I am calling my sons and daughters up higher in their hearing, higher in their seeing and higher up in their release and as they release they shall release this new frequency a frequency that will disturb hell, dismantle structures and cause them to be exposed in the lives of the deceived.  This frequency being released shall shake loose the mold that has bound my bride in a false identity and it shall return unto her the authority of HEAVEN.”

 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert – Isaiah 43:19

 “I AM breaking the mold,” says the LORD. “Those who never prophesied before shall arise with the WORD of the LORD in their mouth. Those who never sang before shall arise with the song of the LORD in their mouth. Those who never dreamed or had visions before shall arise with the impression of visions from heaven in their seeing. Oh yes, I am breaking the mold,” says the LORD. “I am smashing the stereotypes, and I shall announce from heaven and make known my servants whom I have chosen.  It shall be evident and the mold of man will not be able to contain them.”

 Then Amos answered and said to Amaziah, “I was [a]  no prophet, nor a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs – Amos 7:14.

 “I am breaking the mold of fear. I am shattering the fear of man. I am shattering the fear of failure. For as my sons and my daughters step in faith I shall magnify their FAITH and manifest GLORY on their behalf expediently. As the nets filled with fish at the casting of the nets again by my sons at my WORDS, so shall the harvest be in this season at the launching out of my children in this hour. As they TRUST me, I shall manifest GLORY, and as the nets BROKE, I AM Breaking the mold,” says the LORD .

“I AM dislodging those at ease from their ease. I AM elevating the broken from their brokenness. I AM breaking the mold and model of man and in its place shall only remain the Mold of the KINGDOM.” This says your sovereign LORD and KING.

 And having done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes; and their nets were breaking – Luke 5:6

Jamila Jordan Moody is a , prophet, psalmist, poet, and a Christian author. She carries an intense love for the FATHER and HIS presence as well as an unwavering obedience to HIS will because of the great grace HE’S poured upon her life. http://jamila451.com

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