I Hear the Sound of Your Sudden Breakthrough!

I Hear the Sound of Your Sudden Breakthrough!

The 9th Month: Your Time of Birthing

On the eve of the first day of this month, I drifted off to sleep and had a significant dream. In this dream, I was in a vehicle with some people when suddenly I saw, standing in front of the vehicle, a messenger of the Lord—an angel. The angel said to us, “As surely as the Lord lives, you shall give birth to a baby!”

When I woke up I heard our Father say, “The ninth month is your month of breakthrough!” I thought it was so significant that this dream came on the first day of the 9th month, as the number 9 symbolizes birthing.

I believe that the set time has come for the birthing, bringing forth of long-awaited promises.

The Night Season Is Ending

The Father said to me that many have come to the place of birthing but have become weary. He said, “The ‘Night Season’ shall come to an end in the ninth month.” Many have been in a night season in their finances, family situations and health. Because this is your set time of breakthrough, I declare that the night season is coming to an end and today marks the dawn of your brand-new day of bountiful blessings!

In this month, the Breaker, the Almighty God, shall go before you to unlock your season of breakthrough.

During my prayer time, I was suddenly startled by a loud, distinct, piercing sound, like the sound of glass shattering. I then heard our Father God say that just like Joseph experienced a season of confinement on the course to the palace, many Believers have encountered many barriers that have attempted to shut them in and keep them out of the promises God has spoken to them. Then I heard the Father say, “No longer shall you be prevented from possessing your promise because this is your hour to BREAKTHROUGH.”

That which has stood as a mountain in your life shall now bow at your decree. The glass ceilings shall shatter, the obstacles shall be uprooted, the walls shall come down, and you shall possess your promises in Jesus’ name!

The promises He has spoken to you shall come to pass according to His Word in Isaiah 45:1-2: “This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of…to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” This is what the Father says concerning your promise. It shall come to pass in Jesus’ name.

The Hour of His Power

A few weeks ago, during my prayer time, I was taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw someone standing in what looked like a cave. It seemed like they had been shut in as there was a massive barrier blocking the exit of the cave. Suddenly, I saw the hand of our Father giving them a gold key with a bright light radiating from it. They took the key and as they pointed it towards the barrier, instantly the barrier split and immediately they experienced their breakthrough.

I heard our Father say that in this hour, He is giving new keys and strategies that will unlock breakthrough to you. Many have felt like the promises spoken to them in the past by the Lord have died prematurely. Just like Mary and Martha whose brother returned to life when Jesus called him forth, now in this season, the Father says that—this is the hour of His power and the moment for the manifestation of massive miracles and long awaited promises.

That same power that raised Jesus from the dead shall resurrect every promise that has seemingly died prematurely in your life. Because the Breaker, the Almighty God, has gone before you, the barriers will break, the mountains will split apart, and the promises that appeared to have died prematurely shall be quickened and suddenly come back to life.

Stepping into the Place Called “Breakthrough”

I heard the Father say that many people have been in the midst of a long battle in family situations, in finances and in health. While I was praying, I saw a vision of someone in the midst of a battle. The opposition seemed insurmountable as it looked like the enemy was closing in on them.

As I watched, suddenly, I saw that they were not fighting alone. Jesus appeared and began to walk with them. As He walked with them in the midst of the battle, I heard Him begin to speak. He said, “Your walk with Me has brought an end to the war within and the war that had been waged to keep you walled in and without your promise. The battles you had faced in the last season shall suddenly come to an end because I am fighting for you. This is your day of resounding victory!”

Then I heard Him say that there are many who have encountered giant-sized oppositions in the last season, but just like David defeated Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, the giants are coming down and you are taking a giant leap into your giant-sized promises!

According to His Word in 2 Samuel 5:20, it states, “‘…The Lord did it!’ David exclaimed, ‘He burst through my enemies like a raging flood!’ So he named that place Baal-perazim (which means ‘the Lord who bursts through’).”

Even today, I declare that you are stepping into your place called “Breakthrough.” I heard the Spirit of God say that this is your season of massive victory. He has turned the trial into triumph and the massive opposition into a major opportunity to open up an overflow of blessings to you. What the enemy intended for evil, He shall cause to work in your favor, “And it shall turn to you for a testimony” (Luke 21:13).

The Rain of Your Abundant Blessings Is Being Released!

One Sunday, I was having a conversation with some close friends on a video call. In one moment, I could see their faces and hear their voices chatting excitedly, and in the next moment I could not see them anymore. Instead I saw rain drops begin to fall, seemingly from my ceiling. It became like a heavy downpour. I was immensely startled, and as the presence of God began to fill the room, I realized I was having an open-eyed vision. Just as soon as I realized this, the vision suddenly faded away and I heard our Father begin to speak. He said:

“The battle of the last season shall give way to the breaking forth of abundant blessings in this season. I’ll pour out to you the former rain and the latter rain and release restoration to you. Everything the enemy stole in the last season shall now return to you 7-fold. This is the season where things will turn around.”

I declare in Jesus’ name, according to the Word of the Lord in Amos 9:13-15, “‘Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.’ God’s decree. ‘Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings!'”

“…Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.” (Habakkuk 1:5)

I declare that you are stepping into your season of rest, reaping, repayment and rapid restoration. Like a woman whose been in labor and suddenly gives birth to her baby, you are about to give birth your long-awaited promises.

The weariness of the last season is lifting, because the wait for the promise is ending and the weight of the blessing is being released to you in this season. God has remembered you!

I declare that today a supernatural second wind is coming to refuel, refill, refresh and renew you. God is releasing a rapid response to your prayers. Like a breaker, a massive sea wave that breaks into the shore, I declare that wave after massive wave of mighty miracles are about to be manifested in your life.

I hear the sound of the abundance of your blessings be released. I hear the sound of your sudden BREAKTHROUGH!

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