Is the Delay God’s Will?

Is the Delay God’s Will?

Here’s where the enemy gets really crafty. It’s one of his most subtle and deceptive tactics—he tries to convince you that the hindrance you’re facing is God’s will. I’ve seen this happen time and time again in the lives of believers. They’re full of faith, standing on God’s promises, pushing forward toward their calling… and then a roadblock appears. Suddenly, they start second-guessing themselves and God’s plan. Instead of pressing through the resistance, they back down, assuming that maybe this hindrance is a “sign from God.”

How often have you heard people say things like, “Maybe it’s just not God’s timing” or “Maybe God’s closing this door for a reason”? We hear these phrases and think they’re spiritual, but sometimes, they’re just excuses to give up on the fight. Yes, there are times when God delays things for our protection or closes doors that aren’t part of His will for our lives—but not every delay is from God! The enemy is more than happy to let you believe that a hindrance is God’s will because it takes you out of the fight. He loves it when believers back down, thinking they’re being “spiritual” by accepting the blockage.

Discerning Between God’s Will and the Enemy’s Blockade

Here’s the thing: Discernment is key. Not every closed door is God saying “no,” and not every delay is divine. The enemy can—and often does—create obstacles in your path to stop you from moving forward in your calling. But if he can get you to believe that these obstacles are from God, then he’s won the battle without even needing to engage in direct warfare.

Let me be clear: Not every hindrance is from God. I know that might sound obvious, but when you’re in the heat of the battle, it’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming that resistance means you should stop. The enemy will whisper lies to you like, “Maybe God doesn’t want you to do this after all,” or “If this was really God’s will, it wouldn’t be this hard.”

But what does the Bible say? James 1:5 gives us the answer: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” God is generous with wisdom. If you’re unsure whether a hindrance is from Him or the enemy, ask Him! He’ll reveal the truth. But here’s the catch—don’t just assume every roadblock is a divine detour. Press in and seek the Lord.

When God Closes Doors (and When He Doesn’t)

Let’s talk about those moments when God does close a door. There are certainly times when the Lord leads us in a different direction. Maybe there’s something He’s protecting you from, or maybe He has a better plan. But here’s where discernment comes into play: You need to stay connected to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to show you whether the delay is from Him or if it’s a demonic attack designed to stop your progress.

We see an example of this in Acts 16, when Paul and his companions were traveling to preach the Gospel. It says, “They were kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia” (Acts 16:6). In this case, the Holy Spirit clearly closed the door. But just a few chapters earlier in Acts 13:10, Paul confronts Elymas the sorcerer, who was trying to stop someone from hearing the Gospel. Paul discerned that this was a demonic hindrance, and he didn’t hesitate to strike the sorcerer with blindness.

So what’s the difference? Discernment. Paul knew how to recognize when God was leading him away from something and when the enemy was actively blocking his progress. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the source of the hindrance if you ask Him.

The Enemy’s Strategy: Take You Out of the Fight

The enemy’s goal is simple: Take you out of the fight. If he can get you to accept the hindrance as God’s will, you’ll stop pressing forward. You’ll stop praying for breakthrough. You’ll stop standing on God’s promises. And just like that, the enemy has neutralized your effectiveness.

I’ve seen it happen so many times. Believers encounter resistance and, instead of fighting through it, they back down. They say things like, “Maybe this isn’t for me,” or “Maybe God’s calling me in a different direction.” But the truth is, the greater the resistance, the closer you are to your breakthrough. The enemy fights hardest when you’re on the verge of stepping into something powerful.

Don’t let the enemy convince you that giving up is a spiritual decision. Jesus didn’t give up when He faced opposition.Paul didn’t give up when he faced persecution. They pressed on, standing firm in the face of resistance. And you can too.



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