It’s A Season of Suddenlies

It’s A Season of Suddenlies

The suddenlies are upon us!

By Christy Austin

Last night, I was sitting in a rocking chair on our southern front porch and the Lord brought to fruition words He has been stirring in my Spirit the past few days. “The suddenlies are upon us.” Look for them this week.

Many have been in a transition season. Maybe you have felt displaced or like you’re wandering. The hallway is a familiar place and one that stretches me personally, as I learn to find contentment in the waiting. Good news. The shift is here.

2018 is a year of new beginnings and God has been strategically transitioning His people and moving them to new places both physically and spiritually. This is to advance Kingdom assignments to catapult our nation forward. He’s threaded His people like a hem across our nation and strategically positioned them to work together to advance His Kingdom.

Many of you have let go of the last trapeze bar and are ready to grab hold of the next, only you haven’t been able to clearly see the next. You question if God spoke, if you will fall all the way down, or if He will come through like He said He would. You’ve been stretched, pulled, refined, pried apart, and dissected. Good news: Mission accomplished. The old you couldn’t go to the new assignment. The agonizing waiting is over.

Look for it friends. A shift has occurred, and it’s GO time. The suddenlies are dropping like dominoes. You’re Promised Land awaits. Keep your eyes on Him like you’ve so beautifully done. Keep listening for each step and you will enter in soon enough. See you there!

Christy Austin is an author, speaker, and worshiper, who’s passionate about restoring our nation through prayer, one city at a time. Christy is the Director of Enkindle Ministries and hosts a weekly podcast Are You Real Linked to equip and challenge the Church to join in “taking your city through the art of giving.” Her dynamic teaching and sensitivity to the Spirit uniquely inspire, equip and ignite the Church to reach the lost, heal the hurting and restore hope to communities.

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