Jesus + You + Me = Family

Jesus + You + Me = Family

Jesus came to earth to be one of us; to identify with us; to be just like us in human flesh. THIS right here should fuel your trust factor towards Him. HE GETS US! He is not far removed from our sufferings or temptations or all the flesh things we feel like we go through all alone. Please hear this – we are NOT alone. Ever.

We are family!

“Both the One (Jesus) who makes people (us) holy and those who are made holy (still us) are of the SAME family. So Jesus is NOT ashamed to call them (and it’s still us) brothers and sisters.” (Hebrews 2:11)

Whoa. I never had read that verse before. I have definitely been ashamed of myself and I have for sure felt like my solo journey was truly solo. It never was. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Thou (Jesus) art with me.” (Psalm 23) My trust meter has went UP realizing that no matter what I see in myself – how broken I have felt or how much I think I am a hot mess, Jesus NEVER was or is ashamed to be associated with me.  He understands my humanity, because He was a human.

I think we ALL forget that fact. God came to earth in human form to BE one of us. Ultimately He came to save us. This had to be done by becoming one of us.

When my mother went to India to be a missionary she became as one of them; she learned the Indian culture, the Indian dress, the Indian way of eating, worship, daily routines. To identify with them and to understand them – she became one of them. They became her family. This is exactly how it is with Jesus and us.

When you feel lost and forgotten and abandoned and overlooked and a million other human emotions we all go thru, remember – so did He. Every single thing we go through, He suffered through also. This makes Him so approachable, so near, so welcoming, so non judgmental, so safe. We all need a safe place to land when we are flapping our wings against the wind storms of this life.

His loving kindness to us becomes our safe place.

We are family! Wow. Major thought revolution for me here. I have always been fearful of giving my all to anything – mostly for fear of rejection or failure or hurt; fear of being left by the side of the road. Even with God I would give almost all of my heart, but hold some back – you know, just in case He decided I wasn’t worth the time or the love. Kind of ridiculous I guess, but I wonder if we all do that sometimes.  We hold back portions for ourselves, just in case. Just in case can be different reasons for everyone.

I am learning to let go of my fear and embrace the knowledge that I am safe with Jesus. He gets me. He always has. I have never scared Him off. He isn’t ashamed of my flaws or shaking His head at my questions. He extends mercy to me and His mercy cleanses me. He gives me unconditional love and His love transforms me. He showers me with gentleness and His gentleness allows me to trust. He bestows upon me hope and His hope fuels me to have faith. He leads me beside still waters, and this utter peace and joy is what radically changes me.

Isn’t this what a family should look like? Shouldn’t it be the very safest and best and most relaxing and most loving place to be? Yes. And we can find that in Jesus. He IS our family. He is NOT ashamed to call US His family. In Psalm 136 there are 26 verses and every single one ends with the words – “For His loving kindness is everlasting.” Wow. I guess He knew we’d need to hear that 26 times to finally embrace it’s truth !

Sing loudly and joyfully with me, like my 4 year old granddaughter does – “We are family! I got all my sisters (and brothers) with me…” You are never alone. Never. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1) Our family fortress- the ole homestead – our safe place – is Jesus. Come on home!


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