Katy Perry: I Did More Than Kiss a Girl

Katy Perry: I Did More Than Kiss a Girl

It’s a shocking admission—or maybe it’s not.

As part of her appearance at a Human Rights Campaign annual gala dinner in Los Angeles, pop singer Katy Perry shared with the masses that she entered into sexual perversion as a Christian youth.

The 32-year-old was there to accept the National Equity Award and revealed she spent her youth trying to “pray the gay away at Jesus camps.”

As an adult, she grew famous with her hit “I Kissed a Girl,” and told the audience that was just part of what she did while being raised in the Christian home of two pastors.

“Truth be told, I did more than that,” she said, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “But how was I going to reconcile that with the gospel-singing girl raised in youth groups that were pro-conversion camps? What I did know was I was curious, and even then I knew sexuality was not as black and white as this dress. But in 2008, when that song came out, I knew that I started a conversation, and a lot of the world seemed curious enough to sing along, too.”

I’m praying for Katy, not throwing stones. I’m praying for her parents, who love her with the perfect love of Christ. I’m praying for a young woman who has influence on the masses and needs a fresh encounter with the God who died for her.

My prayer is that Katy, and other prodigals—your prodigal—will return to the Father's embrace. God is just waiting with open arms for the prodigals to come running over the hill. Let's pray they finds her way home, in the name of Jesus.

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Let’s keep praying for the prodigals. Here are some strategies:

1. Pray for the blinders to be removed.

The Bible says Satan blinds the eyes of the lost (2 Corinthians 4:4). Pray that the Lord would break in with light and demolish those blinders so the prodigals can see the truth of God’s love.

2. Pray to cast down demonic arguments.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…” There are many arguments the enemy uses in the minds of prodigals. Take authority over those arguments. Cast them down in the name of Jesus.

3. Pray for the prodigal’s friends.

If your child’s friends get radically saved, it will influence them for Jesus. Pray also that the Lord would bring godly friends in your prodigal’s path to speak words of life and plant seeds of salvation.

4. Pray for perseverance.

It may take time—longer than you’d like—to see your prodigal come home but don’t give up. God hears your cries and He is working behind the scenes. Even if things appear worse before they get better, keep the faith. Nothing is too hard for God.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of awakeningtv.com, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening; Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God; The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.

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