Declare who He is in the midst of the contrast of what you see.
By Kathi Pelton
In the past few days, I have been awake throughout the night on a prayer and prophetic assignment. If there has been one theme throughout this time that has stayed with me, it is this truth: When God is lifted up, His enemies scatter!
This happens as we lift up Jesus in our personal lives, in our families, and within our regions and nations. Though we know that all victory and authority has already been secured by the death and resurrection of our Savior, Christ Jesus, we still live in a world that is gripped by the prince of this world who seeks to rob the inheritance that Jesus died for.
As we, the people of God (His sons and daughters…His Bride), enthrone Him as King and lift Him up in worship, declaration, lifestyle and prayer, we set the stage where He can arise to bring His Kingdom to earth. It is then that we see demonic enemies scatter so that we can occupy that place with His Kingdom. It is the place where “on earth as it is in Heaven” happens and transformation occurs for individuals as well as for territories.
Agree with God’s Voice
When we allow the enemy to promote his false narrative through our agreement with unbelief, doubt and fear, we effectively give ground for a greater robbery of God’s inheritance. We must stop aligning our words and lifestyles in agreement with the evil one, thereby bringing accusation against our God. There is far too much destruction and trauma being released due to God’s people listening to the wrong narrative and then coming into agreement with it.
There is one truth that is to be the declaration and proclamation of every Believer. It is that Jesus is faithful and true! God is not a man, so He does not lie, but He is faithful from generation to generation.
“God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change His mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” (Numbers 23:19 NLT)
No matter what my eyes have seen in this world, I will declare the truth of who He is all the days of my life. Will you commit to do the same?
Time to Come Up Here
It is time for the Bride to reread Revelation 4 and remind ourselves who God is. He is holy and true, He is full of power and might, and HE IS WORTHY! He invites us to , “Come up here” in order to see Him as He is. As we arise and are seated in heavenly places with Him, He will arise on earth and we will see His enemies scatter.
Declare who He is in the midst of the contrast of what you see. Do not ever align with the lies that come against who He is. God is arising in your heart and your life, causing your enemies to scatter.
“Rise up, O God, and scatter Your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives. Blow them away like smoke. Melt them like wax in a fire. Let the wicked perish in the presence of God. But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy. Sing praises to God and to His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord—rejoice in His presence!” (Psalm 68:1-4 NLT)
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in the Greater Portland, Oregon area. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God’s original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habbakuk 2:2 that says, “Then the LORD answered me and said: ‘Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.'”
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