Lifetime Cancels ‘Major Prophetess’ Christian Reality TV Show That Mocked God

Lifetime Cancels ‘Major Prophetess’ Christian Reality TV Show That Mocked God

When Lifetime rolled out Preach, a new docuseries, in June, I was more than a little skeptical. Core Media Group produced the series, which followed four women who call themselves prophetesses.

These ladies wholeheartedly believe God has given them the supernatural abilities to heal the sick, see the future and rid people of their addictions, otherwise known in Pentecostal and charismatic circles as spiritual gifts.

When I first reported on this show in May, I said this: If Core Media keeps it real, this could bring God glory and open the eyes of the world to His healing and delivering power.” I was concerned by the description of the show alone that this reality TV series is making a mockery of prophetic ministry and supernatural gifts. You'd have to see the show to believe how much mockery, including a female chest-bumping a man in the aisle.


As it turns out, I wasn't the only one who was concerned that this reality TV show starring a “major prophetess” would make a mockery of true prophetic ministry. Tachnia Carter launched a petition against the show that reads:

“The IMAGERY on this show is a TRAVESTY to the Christian Community. The women (aka Prophetesses) are making a MOCKERY of the church and promoting foolish behavior that is not necessarily a true representation of the REAL power of God. Cameras do NOT belong in the church filming the 'spiritual' things that society as a whole does not understand. By airing this show it will cause more harm than good to the Christian community who already has a difficult time in sharing 'The Good News' of Jesus Christ to the masses. This show depicts the operation of the Spirit of God in a tone that is extremely offensive and buffoonish. The depiction of the women on the show are misrepresenting the church as a whole in a fashion that can best be described as cartoon caricatures. Where do Christians draw the line? By allowing this repugnant, boorish, abhorrent and cantankerous pastiche of a program that Lifetime is calling a show is not only a gross injustice to the Christian community but the American public as a whole. Please show the Lifetime TV Network that the Christian community is ENORMOUS and IF they fail to acquiesce to our request to CANCEL THIS SHOW we will band together and BOYCOTT THE NETWORK!!!”

Nearly 15,000 people agreed with Carter and Lifetime cancelled the show. But what was it, exactly, that Carter objected to? Just about everything. A press release for the series lists the “prophetesses and protégés” featured and reveals plenty of problems with the show's theology. The descriptions smack of Hollywood hype and seem to discredit the very “prophetesses” they are spotlighting. Read on:

Belinda Scott, who Core says considers herself a “major prophetess,” has reportedly given council to politicians and celebrities across the country. “She has the ability to predict child birth and specializes in blessing the wombs of barren women,” the release reads. Taketa Williams apparently has been called the “Beyoncé of the Preaching World” and supposedly has a global following. Linda Roark's specialty is delivering people from the street and bringing them to God. That's awesome! “Known as the 'Blue-Eyed Soul Sister,' she has been told that she 'looks white but she preaches black,' and is admired in African-American churches for her ability to roar and get the room standing on their feet.”

This Hollywood hype wasn't a hit in anyone's eyes. Like I said before, prophetic ministry should not be mocked. Supernatural gifts of healing, discerning of spirits, praying in tongues and so on should not be mocked. God should not be mocked. This show has reproduced the false concepts of prophetic ministry I (and so many others) have worked hard to overcome.

So again, I ask, will the true prophets please stand up, or bow down on your knees and pray against the perversion of God's gifts?

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening; Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God; The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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