LISTEN: Politicians and Pastors Alike Praying for Third Great Awakening

LISTEN: Politicians and Pastors Alike Praying for Third Great Awakening

I was radio Friday with former Congressman Tom DeLay and Kerville, Texas Mayor Jack Pratt and Pastor Greg Young talking about an ‪#‎appealtoheaven‬ for spiritual awakening! God is moving! DeLay says, “Things are not going to change unless we bring God back into the arena… I'm seeing it happening. I'm really encouraged.” Listen in as we talk abou what it's going to take to see a Third Great Awakening in our nation. Click the headline to access the radio broadcast.

Click here to listen to the broadcast.

You can also join me for Appeal to Heaven calls every Tuesday night, during which we intercede over America. Click here to register, and be sure to check out my book on the next great move of God and making an appeal to heaven for spiritual awakening!

And please help us spread the word about the prayer lines.

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