Mega Announcement: Jennifer LeClaire Makes Major Shift in Ministry

Mega Announcement: Jennifer LeClaire Makes Major Shift in Ministry

I believe we’re in a kairos moment in the body of Christ.

We’re seeing major ministries shift all around the world. The Call, IHOP, YWAM, Christ for All Nations…You can add my ministry to that list.

As some of you may know, I recently returned from Singapore and Indonesia. I have never endured such an attack on my mind and body at the same time in my entire life.

In the midst of the attack, the Lord told me a major shift was coming. I imagine the enemy saw the markers of a shift—a kairos moment—in the spirit and was resisting it.

What’s the shift?

·      A more intentional focus on souls

·      A stronger focus on making disciples

·      A new thrust to disciple nations

·      A deliberate focus on prison ministry and recovering addicts and alcoholics

·      A renewed push into inner healing and deliverance ministry

·      A greater emphasis on planting houses of prayerprayer hubs and house churches

I want to invite you to watch the announcement I made to my church a few weeks ago. You can find it at You will have to log in, but registration is free. The service is called Stepping into Your Kairos (PM Service).

I have a lot more to say in the video. I hope you’ll watch it so you can catch the spirit of what I am saying.

If you’d like to sow into this new vision, you can do so here.


Jennifer LeClaire

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