“Millions Will Be Saved and Culture Will Be Shifted in Represented Nations”

“Millions Will Be Saved and Culture Will Be Shifted in Represented Nations”

Join me for the live online video conference event, “Global Reformers 2019: Opening Generational Springs from the Courts of Heaven.”

Our mission in this conference is to gather together as an ecclesia to change the culture of nations for generations to come!

Myself, James W. Goll, Mark Chironna, and many others will be teaching on the Courts of Heaven and releasing the prophetic and apostolic.

Together we’ll be going before the Courts of Heaven on behalf of our specific cities, states, and nations, as well as our own individual lives and families.

Generational springs will open up over our nations, causing millions of souls to be saved, and the culture to shift into its divine order.

When we gather, you will serve as a representative for your city, state, and nation before the Lord. We will step into the Courts and release cases that allow God the legal right to visit nations for His purposes to be done.

As we will go before the Courts of Heaven to present our case, generational springs will open up over our nations, causing millions of souls to be saved, and the culture to shift into its divine order.

Join us at DestinyImageTV.live for the live online video conference event, April 10-13!

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