New Day Dawning

New Day Dawning

New days are dawning!

By Joe Joe Dawson

Recently, I had a prophetic dream and it was very simple but very significant. In the dream, I was in a huge field. Morning dew was covering the field. I could tell it was very early morning because the sun was just starting to rise. As the sun began to rise I was overwhelmed by the beauty of it. It was the prettiest sunrise I have ever seen. The vibrant colors, the oranges and reds and yellows filled the sky and it was so beautiful. Then the Lord began to speak and said, “A new day is dawning.” And there was a pause and I thought the Lord meant right now. But then the Lord spoke and said, “A new day is dawning at the end of April.”

A week before this, the Lord had instructed me to set aside the month of April to seek Him to a higher degree. I felt the Lord calling me to season of special prayer and fasting during the month of April. The Lord continued to speak to me about doing specific spiritual things in the month of April but also to do some physical things. So as I have been seeking the Lord preparing for the month of April, this dream excited me to a whole new level.

I felt the Lord say, “This word is for the body of Christ.” I then remembered several words the Lord spoke to me last September and November about the first 4 months of 2018. The Lord kept telling me that this season would be a time where He would launch many people and many would experience new dimensions of favor and of His Spirit.

I feel what is coming at the end of April is not just a small season God is setting us up for years of life, planning, strategy and vision. The Lord was reminding me of many of my favorite scriptures that promise that those who diligently seek Him will find Him. Through this the Lord has already been showing me strategies for so many different things. Just a few mornings ago, I woke up extremely excited. I shared two visions that I had for different things with my wife. We have already started implementing these new things just from things the Lord revealed to us just a few days ago.

What the Lord does within us during the month of April will cause Him to do something through us after that. It even says in Ephesians that God wants to do a powerful work in us so He can do it through us. In the month of April, diligently seek the Lord. Spend extra time in fasting and prayer. Dig deep into the Word. Make sure to connect with your prophets and apostles and allow them to speak into your life.

This is going to be a season of divine strategy and divine outpouring of the Holy Spirit. What God is about to do in your life is powerful. Many have had dreams and visions for different things in past seasons but lacked the knowledge and strategy to move forward with them. This season God is releasing those strategies to you so that you can go onto your next level, your next assignment and do whatever the Lord has for you.

New days are dawning! There is a new day dawning in your life. Look up! Night is over. This is your season. There is an acceleration from the Lord coming to you. I challenge you, get ready for April because God is about to show up in a great and mighty way. Seeking the Lord in the month of April is key to unlocking what is coming as this new day dawns for the body of Christ.

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network, and Roar Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every person to experience personal revival.

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