New Exodus

New Exodus

The Lord is equipping you with provision from the enemy.

By Amie Rogers

Heaven has moved and shifted the atmospheres to align the trajectory for our launch, for this time of harvest! As the Lord began to talk to me about this, He highlighted some parallels of us, The Church and the Israelites during their exit from Egypt. We have to realize that our “Exodus”, this trajectory shift and launch, will require us to continually and fully rely on God, His promptings and provisions so we may walk in and manifest His Fullness; everything He created us to be in this most unprecedented and exciting time! What we are being led and launched into is such a weighty and pivotal moment that will be written about and looked upon in the months and years to come.
Before the Lord led the Israelites from their captive place in Egypt, He equipped them with provision from the enemy (wealth transfer) and readied them for battle (Ex. 13:17). He then directed them away from the Philistine armies (avoiding battles they weren’t ready for) by going through the desert. They still battled things like frustration and doubt but were always met with Grace, protection and miraculous provision.
How much of your life is representative of this exact scenario? The Lord miraculously removes you from your bondages and equips you for the journey you can’t quite see and a lot of times, unsure of what He has equipped you with. This is never a negative thing; it’s a learning thing – learning to hear from God and following His instructions. In the midst of your following Him, you will also see the weapons He has equipped you with for all the battles you will face.
The Israelites (numbering somewhere near a million) ALL walked out in good health (Ps. 105:37), weighed down with the gold and jewels from their captors (Ex. 12:36). The ones that held them captive were paying and begging them to leave. There will be times your enemies will be a blessing to you without even knowing it and pushing you out toward your Promised Land. There will also always be those in your Egypt that will fight your Exodus. No matter the scenario, the Lord’s favor will be upon you.
“…stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still.” Ex. 14:13-14 (NIV)
Take the word “Egyptians” and put in its place the name of those things you’ve been battling. It doesn’t matter if that battle has been four days or forty years. He is doing a new thing right now! You only need to be still; settling in a surrendered, trusting faith knowing He is handling every situation in your life. These things are your Red Sea Moments where He brings favor over you and confusion over all your enemies (Ex. 14:21, 24). The ones trying to hold you in your Egypt will be unsuccessful and know you will not battle these things again. The Red Sea was a one-time thing, so will yours be also.
Once you experience your Red Sea Miracle, the aftermath may not always look as you think it should, but you need to keep praising and prophesying God’s promises over yourself and situations (Ex. 15:10, 13-18). After your Red Sea Miracle and your praise in this desert, He then reveals Himself as Rapha, your Healer. He heals those bitter waters flowing in front of you and within your soul with one touch – one reminder of the power of that Tree (the Cross) (Ex. 15:23-26).
When He heals you He also feeds you. Even in the midst of your complaining and painful crying out, His desire is to feed you.
“Then Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from Heaven for you…” Ex. 16:4 (NIV)
“So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, “In the evening you will know that it was the Lord who brought you out of Egypt and in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord, because He has heard your grumbling against Him…” Ex. 16:6-7 (NIV)
Have you ever had moments in your life where you looked and the only description was “God was Merciful and Gracious to me”?
Because they grumbled, He was moved by His gracious, merciful Love and rained down fresh provision for them every morning. The Lord called this provision “bread from Heaven” but Moses called it “the Glory of the Lord”. Let that soak in for a moment. What God called food Moses called Glory. Moses had a revelation of relationship. This is Heavenly perspective and no longer situational; something that happens in the midst of your journey.
Your daily provisional bread from Heaven IS GOD’S GLORY! The receipt of a “simple” piece of bread needs to be taken and looked upon as something to be cherished and handled with reverence and honor. The “simple” things of God ARE His Glory and you need to carry them all as such! You are chosen to be His Glory Carrier!
This daily manna is fresh revelation of Him! You cannot hoard and hold onto yesterday’s provision to sustain you for this day or the days to come. When the Israelites did this, the day-old manna had maggots in it; completely spoiled (Ex. 16:20).
This daily provision was called an “omer”. This was the supply measurement for each person’s daily need. It was the exact measure of what they needed for that day to sustain them.
“…take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come, so they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the desert when I brought you out of Egypt.” Ex. 16:32 (NIV)
 Your daily need being met by Heaven is incredibly vast and weighty. Every day you receive that fresh manna, it not only nourishes you, but also is able to be kept and passed on for generations to come! You have to remember that every single thing about God and His Kingdom is Generational!
The instruction from the Lord is to take an omer to keep for generations to come. The instruction from Moses was to put that omer into a jar place in front of the Testimony (God’s Presence) to be kept for generations (Ex. 16:34).
God gifted miraculous daily provision; they took that and gave it back. That sounds a lot like Tithe! In verse 36, it says an “omer” is ten percent of an “ephah” – which equates to ten days. In the book “The Divinity Code” the definition of the number ten is: (1) complete (2) completion of order/cycle (3) Full. There is completeness and divine order in and through your life. One day of miraculous provision for your needs is something you can give back and the Lord will take and use as provision for you and generations to come!
“If the part (1/10) of the dough offered as first fruits is Holy, then the whole batch is Holy; if the root is Holy so are the branches” (Romans 11:16 NIV)
What the Lord calls Holy is absolutely untouchable. If you are tithing your life, giving back to God what He has given you – that set time you spend with Him is your “omer” and it redeems everything else. He calls it Holy and blessed for this day and for generations to come! Remember, our “omer” is our worship and gratitude. If it is anything else, the manna will spoil.
As you walk this journey and launch into the everything set before you, always remember the miraculous breaking out of your bondages, the miraculous provisions, the journey of learning who He created and purposed you to be, learning the weapons you have for battle and the miraculous fulfilling of His daily manna. May you always respond to Heaven’s promptings, taking yourself back before The Testimony so that everything you pour out is impacting for the Kingdom now and for the generations to come. May you always remember the goodness of your Heavenly Father during your Exodus and in your Promised Land.


Amie Rogers is a lover of Jesus, a wife, and mom of four. Her mission is to speak His life and His love through encouragement, prophetic words, and healing for others to come in contact with the Father’s heart.

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