Praying the News with Jennifer LeClaire
Praying the News with Jennifer LeClaire
Urgent Prophecy Over Israel with Biden Visit Looming (Episode 029)


U.S. President Joe Biden is scheduled to visit Israel on Wednesday, marking his first trip to the region as president. Biden is expected to announce that Israel approved new security arrangements in the Strait of Tiran, allowing Saudi Arabia to reclaim the Red Sea islands of Tiran and Sanfir, according to The Jerusalem Post.

Meanwhile, Rick Ridings of the Succat Hallel House of Prayer in Jerusalem is asking intercessors around the world to stand on high alert with the upheaval in the Israeli government and the Biden visit.

This is Jennifer LeClaire, and this is Praying the News. On today’s broadcast we’ll look at an urgent prophetic word Ridings released as well as a serious prophetic word God gave me concerning Israel in February. I’ll also share with you some prayer points for Israel. I’ll be right back with you after this message from our sponsor.

Ridings said he heard the Lord speak these words on June 21, 2022 at 4:10 a.m.

“This is a Tower of Babel situation. The globalists are speaking one language worldwide. That is why they have been able to build their kingdom in such a relatively short time. Their unity has created an evil momentum. Their plan is to steal the Crown Jewel of the King—Jerusalem—because that is the footstool of My government upon the earth.

“Therefore, My Ruler Bride is to decree division upon those serving the spirit of Babel. And she is to carry out the sentence, the judgment written against them with the high praises of God in her mouth, and a two-edged sword in her hand. She is to wield My sword to divide and cut in pieces the army serving the spirit of Babel.

“Do not look to a man to be able to scatter these evil builders and to save Jerusalem. Look to Me. High praise is your weapon. Use it in one accord, and I Myself will arise and scatter My enemies. And their plans shall be severely set back in all the nations they rule. It is time to exercise Your authority in Me and put Your feet upon the neck of the five kings serving the spirit of Babel.

“This praise offensive and ‘decree of division’ must be done before the 17th of Tammuz (sundown July 16th – sundown July 17th, 2022), or they will breach the walls of Jerusalem before the appointed time.”

This is a timely word indeed and I want to encourage all intercessors to pray without ceasing over this. I also want to share with you a prophecy I received concerning Israel on February 18.

Listen in to the podcast to hear the prophecy.

We need to pray:

 Pray that the Lord will bless and protect Israel. Pray that His face will shine upon them, and be gracious to them. Pray that He will lift up His countenance upon them and give them peace (Numbers 6:22-27).

Pray that the Lord will give Israel its divine land so that it will not toil. Pray that the Lord will give the children of Israel cities that they did not build; and that they will live in them and eat from vineyards that they did not plant (Joshua 24:13).

Pray for God to encounter Israel with His love and that they will receive His faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Pray that the God of peace, Jehovah Shalom, will arrest Israel with His peace so that they may find rest for their souls (Judges 6:24).

Pray for the children of Israel to prosper and be in good health even as their souls prosper
(3 John 1:2).

Pray that the U.S. and other nations stand together to protect and cover Israel from harm so that we may be blessed and not cursed (Numbers 24:9; Genesis 12:3).

Pray against the murder of innocent children and babies in Israel. Pray that God may put a hedge of protection around His precious people so that they may not dash their foot upon a stone (Psalm 91).

Pray for the children of Israel’s latter days to be greater. Pray that they sow into the things of God so He may open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing they have not room enough to receive (Micah 3:8-10).

Pray that the salvation of the Gentiles will rouse the Jews to envy so they may be saved (Romans 11:11-15).

Pray for God to take away the sins of Israel so they may be grafted in and come to the full knowledge of Christ. Pray for the remnant of Israel to rise up in a mighty way and declare the works of the Lord (Romans 11:1-10, 25-26).

Pray for miracles, signs, and wonders to abound in Israel so that the unbelievers may believe (Mark 16:17-20).

Thanks for listening. Please give us a five-star review wherever you listen to podcasts and share this with your friends. Find the show notes at www.jenniferleclaire.org/prayingthenews. Until next time, keep praying the news.

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