Gothenburg was burnt by fire in the 1600s, but the Holy Spirit wants to light the city—and the nation—on fire in the 21st Century.
Of course, the enemy is opposing revival at every turn in Sweden and beyond. From witchcraft to water spirits, the battle is real.
Landmarks like the Poseidon, a symbol of a water spirit, pepper this growing city called Gothenburg. But seeds of the supernatural planted long ago are being watered by a new generation of apostolic-prophetic voices.
After a major charismatic leader vacated a seat of governing authority—sending shockwaves through the church in Sweden that rippled into Gothenburg and indeed throughout the nation—those apostolic-prophetic voices are looking for strategies.
Holy Spirit showed me breakthrough will come to Sweden through a strategy to take back the gates of Gothenburg, Stockholm, and other major cities there.
In this hour, He is looking for spiritual warfare strategists and underground intercessors to take the gates in a three-year strategy that will push back the darkness of New Age and witchcraft and set the stage for a greater restoration of the apostolic and prophetic in this Scandinavian nation.
While in Sweden in June, the Lord gave me a connection to the land. I did not know at the time that I am 31 percent Scandinavian but now I understand better the assignment against my going and the connection while on the ground. Here is the three-fold cord the enemy will not easily break that will help usher in breakthrough in Sweden.
1. Warriors and intercessors, apostles and prophets need to come out of the cave.
Many are in hiding because Sweden persecutes its apostles and prophets. Deception has crept in unaware. It’s time for the prophetic voices through watchmen, intercessors, apostolic and prophetic leaders and others to make a bold truth, to contend for signs and wonders, and to combat the religious spirit that is holding people captive and sending true seers into the realm of psychics.
2. Divorce Baal.
Leaders in Sweden need to issue a decree of divorce with Baal. Baal is the god of rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture. Canaanite mythology tells us Baal was the son of the chief god El and the goddess of the sea, Asherah. These were the gods Queen Jezebel worshipped. Baal’s “sisters” are Ashtoreth, a fertility goddess, and the goddess of war Anath.
Baal is a principality in the Ephesians 6 hierarchy often illustrated in mythology as holding a lightning bolt in his hand and, like Jezebel, is associated with perversion. Jesus called Beelzebub, another name for Baal, the ruler of demons in Matthew 12:24. He is known as the god of 1,000 faces because he influences many other “gods” and spirits, such as Marduk, Osiris, Prometheus, Jupiter, and Bacchus.
Baal releases witchcraft and works closely with the spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan, as well as various other occult-related demons. Where you find Baal, you’ll find sexual perversion, especially homosexuality. There are variations on the name of Baal, including Baal-hamon, which means “the Lord of wealth or abundance” and Baal-berith, which means “the lord of the covenant.” Remember, it was the Baal spirit wooed Israel into spiritual adultery and bondage throughout its history.
3. Tear down enemy gates and allow the King of Glory to come in.
The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church in Sweden—but they are sure trying. Warriors and intercessors, apostles and prophets need to come out of the cave and target the gates—representing the seven mountains as well as airports, seaports, and other access points into the nation.
Intercessors need to repent for allowing the enemy to possess the gates and move freely through the gates and give the keys to cities back to Jesus. Worship at the gates. War at the gates. Go armed with Psalm 24:7-10:
“Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you everlasting doors, Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift up, you everlasting doors, that the King of glory may enter. Who is He—this King of glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah.”
Mar 11 2025