Pray for Iowa | Awakening Prayer Hubs

Pray for Iowa | Awakening Prayer Hubs

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at

Known prophetically as the “Supply and Release” State, Iowa is critical to the next presidential election. Candidates will spend months working to win voters’ hearts. That’s because, along with New Hampshire, Iowa voters help narrow the field of candidates who appear on the ballot.

Iowa is known throughout the world as America’s heartland, the source of an abundant supply of top quality agricultural and manufactured goods.

The natural wealth of Iowa‘s soil, its cutting-edge technology, world-class educational system and quality workforce has allowed Iowa to yield a diversified economy, reports the Iowa Department of Economic Development.

Of course, like all states, Iowa also faces significant challenges. Attracting people to move to the state, creating job opportunities for immigrants and bringing high-speed broadband into rural areas are among them. All this will take time and money.

What’s more, nearly 114,000 Iowa families with one full-time worker in the home could not meet the most basic family budget needs without public supports, beyond that for health insurance, according to the latest, annual cost of living report from Common Good Iowa.

Iowans also face low economic security, problems accessing quality childcare, the need to correct a decade of poor investments and recommitting to public education, water pollution, and more. We need to pray for the “Supply and Release” State.

Let’s pray:

  • Enter into identificational repentance for sexual immorality, abortions, covenant breaking, and violence in Iowa.
  • Decree justice and righteousness is the foundation of Iowa.
  • Pray for current state and local government officials within Iowa, for righteous rulership who align with God’s Word.
  • Intercede for the 2024 Iowa elections, that those elected would lead with truth, revelation, and wisdom, honoring Jesus as the ultimate King.
  • Pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him to rest on the Iowa state government to make the decision in not allowing any form of abortion to continue in Iowa, recognizing that every unborn child is a gift from God.
  • Ask God to reveal and lead law enforcement to the location of all hidden terror cells within the state of Iowa. Pray for the uprooting of these cells from the land.
  • Pray for continued thriving businesses and economic growth in Iowa that build for the glory of God.
  • Pray for a reintroduction of biblical truth and values back into the educational institutions of Iowa.
  • Plead the blood of Jesus over all public and private school campuses and universities across the state of Iowa.
  • Pray against deception and for a reporting of God’s eternal truth within all sectors of the media in Iowa.
  • Pray for those who integrate back into society after being incarcerated in jails or prisons in Iowa, that they would use their God-given gift or talent to bring Him glory.
  • Pray each family in Iowa is united as one in the Father’s love.
  • Bind the spirit of premature death, suicide, immorality, and violence. Loose life, purity, and protection over Iowa.
  • Decree angels are encamped around the state of Iowa, for there is a remnant who fears the Lord.
  • Pray deception would break off the minds of those within the LGBTQ+ community, asking the Lord to encounter them with His transforming love.
  • Pray the Lord would bring up those in Iowa, battling mental health illness, out of the miry clay and set their feet upon a rock, establishing their steps.
  • Ask God to send forth His laborers into the Iowa harvest fields who burn to see captives set free.
  • Pray for the Gospel to run swiftly through Iowa.
  • Decree the gates of hell will not prevail against the Ekklesia in Iowa.
  • Decree healing and deliverance is the church’s portion; the Lord is their portion in Iowa.
  • Pray for intercessors to continue to arise to stand in the gap on behalf of Iowa and as they decree a thing, it shall be established.
  • Decree the Lord has supply that will be released through Iowa—revelation and resources.
  • Pray revival fire cleanses and purifies every mountain of societal influence in Iowa.
  • Decree awakening and societal reformation throughout the state of Iowa.

Want to go deeper with us in prayer for revival and major issues in cities around the world? If you can pray just thirty minutes a month for your city, you qualify.

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