Pray for Maryland | Awakening Prayer Hubs

Pray for Maryland | Awakening Prayer Hubs

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at

Known prophetically as the Awakening the Seed state, the Baltimore Key Bridge has put Maryland in the news for all the wrong reasons. Beyond this tragic event, Maryland has been historically known for blue crabs, fishing, and the birthplace of the U.S. national anthem—The Star Spangled Banner.

One of the original American colonies with many sites of historic interest, Maryland was home to the first railroad, the first dental school, and the first umbrella factor. Maryland inventors also brought us the linotype machine, the refrigerator, and the gas light.

While Maryland is known as an attractive place to live, there are challenges at hand. Clearly, the state’s infrastructure needs help. But there’s also the challenge of hiring and retaining teachers for its world-class educational system. Meanwhile, Maryland’s health centers face challenges with an influx of new patients.

This week, Awakening Prayer Hubs is praying for Maryland.

Let’s pray:

Enter identificational repentance for antisemitism, abortion practices that have taken place on state soil, bloodshed during the past civil war and battles, and sexual immorality, perversion, and violence.

Pray for continued resources and acceleration on the start of the restoration of the Baltimore Key Bridge, an avenue to bolster growth in the economy.

Pray comfort over the families of lost loved ones affected by the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse.

Pray to come against all cyberattacks on government and business structures.

Pray for the protection of Maryland’s water infrastructure.

Pray for the ethical integration of artificial intelligence into state government, to support cyber defense, and to improve residents’ access to state resources, particularly for those with disabilities.

Pray for strategy and wisdom as state lawmakers develop locally focused plans to combat the root causes of concentrated poverty statewide, including child poverty.

Intercede for Maryland’s current state and local government officials for righteous rulership to be in office whose mission is to see good triumph over evil in the land.

Pray for the 2024 elections in Maryland; for Godly wisdom to rest on the voters in electing candidates who walk by faith and not by sight, with candidates’ sole focus on advancing the Kingdom of God and seeing the pillars of the kingdom of darkness uprooted from the foundation of the state.

Decree justice and righteousness are the foundation of Maryland.

Pray candidates elected will walk in wisdom, the fear of the Lord, revelation, and truth.

Pray candidates’ campaigns represent honesty and integrity.

Pray for the exposure, dismantling, and uprooting of all sleeper cells and terror cells throughout the entire region of the state of Maryland.

Pray for continued free enterprise in small businesses throughout the state of Maryland with an abundance of resources set apart for God’s Kingdom.

Pray that small businesses, large corporations, and the agricultural industry in Maryland incorporate intercession into every aspect of their business as lawmakers look to businesses to sign contracts before.

Pray for the education system in Maryland as school boards look to reform education for increased resources, diversity and quality of educators, and accountability.

Pray school boards, superintendents, and educators stand for righteousness and truth in Maryland, where students are receptive and open to this atmosphere.

Plead the blood of Jesus over all school and university campuses across Maryland. Pray for protection from any mass shootings taking place.

Pray all sectors of media within Maryland spread the Good News and report through the lens of truth.

Pray that the Church would reach the lost with Jesus’s love and that the conviction of the Holy Spirit would fall upon the Muslim, Jewish, and other religious people groups within Maryland.

Pray the hearts and minds of the harvest in Maryland are receptive as the Gospel runs swiftly through the state.

Pray as there continues to be a revealing of darkness that has infiltrated the Church, that restoration and redemption would come to fruition.

Pray the slumbering spirit would no longer rest upon the Church in Maryland.

Pray for an increase in watchmen and intercessors, crisis intercessors, to arise in Maryland with eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart of revelation.

Intercede for the families of Maryland to stand on the Word of God and not be shaken.

In the name of Jesus, bind all chaos and deception infiltrating the family dynamics and loose Godly order and truth.

Call forth deliverance and healing over the mental health of the youth, the LGBTQ community and the families of Maryland to be a living testimony of the love of the Father.

Pray the state of Maryland would end the right to abortion, declaring life over the unborn.

Ask God to send His angelic reinforcements to surround the state of Maryland.

Decree the fire of God dwells over Maryland.

Decree transforming revival on all seven mountains of societal influence within the state of Maryland.

Want to go deeper with us in prayer for revival and major issues in cities around the world? If you can pray just thirty minutes a month for your city, you qualify.

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