Are hindering spirits obstructing your path to financial prosperity?
It’s a question worth pondering.
Financial attacks, you see, can often sneak in through open doors we didn’t even realize were ajar. But here’s the kicker: you don’t always need an open door for financial lack to come knocking. And it could be a hindering spirit behind the attack.
Let me break it down for you. If you aren’t paying your tithes and offerings, you’re essentially closing off the pipeline of blessings that God intends to pour out upon you. You’re missing out on the dynamic principle of sowing and reaping, the divine mechanism through which financial abundance is meant to chase after you, overtaking you in its wake. Without activating this spiritual law, you’re left vulnerable to the enemy’s schemes, susceptible to financial woes and lack.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Even if you’re faithfully giving as the Lord leads, the enemy can still launch his attacks against you unlawfully. Yes, you read that right: illegally. It’s crucial to understand this distinction.
If you find yourself under a legal attack—and trust me, the enemy is nothing if not legalistic—there’s a remedy. Repentance and realignment in your giving habits can set things straight, restoring the balance. But when the adversary strikes unlawfully and seeks to rob you of your financial blessings without cause or justification, you must rise up in authority.
So, where do we begin? It starts with discernment. We must first discern the root of the attack. Did we, perhaps unknowingly, open a door to the enemy through our actions? Or is he, in his relentless pursuit of destruction, unlawfully encroaching upon our financial well-being?
This is a call to action. It’s time to discern, to pray, and to take authority over every hindrance, every illegal assault on our finances. Let’s reclaim what is rightfully ours and demand restitution for every stolen blessing. Together, let’s unlock the doors to financial breakthrough through prayer and spiritual discernment.
Listen in to my prayer broadcast: