Prepare for What is Coming Your Way

Prepare for What is Coming Your Way

In this season of supernatural acceleration I heard the Lord say, “Pick your fights wisely.”

We are in a season of unprecedented acceleration and the opportunities for harvest are great. So watch out for the diversionary tactics of the enemy as he tries to draw you into defending, explaining and engaging in fights designed to distract you and steal your opportunities for the important victories.

When David went to see his brothers he saw the situation with Goliath and began to speak in faith.

“Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, ‘What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?'” (1 Sam. 17:26)

But not everyone was happy about his youthful exuberance. David’s brother Eliab began to goad and accuse David, trying to shame him and embarrass him. Happily, instead of defending himself and getting into a fight with his brother, David chose to stay focused on the fight that really mattered, which lead to victory for the whole nation.

“Is There Not a Cause?”

David turned to Eliab and said, “…Is there not a cause?” (1 Sam. 17:29). His brother had accused him of having an insolent heart and wrong motives, and tried to publicly humiliate David, but instead of justifying himself and trying to explain his motives and how he really came to be there, David refused to be drawn into a flesh and blood battle with his brother, knowing that there was a much more significant battle to be won. As my mentor always told me, “Never explain. Your friends don’t need an explanation and your enemies will never accept one.” Don’t allow pride to draw you into time-wasting squabbles with your Christian brothers and sisters. And beware the time-wasting, mental arguments against them. Forgive them and reset your thoughts on the cause of Christ.

The Wave is Coming!

There is a wave of favor and outpouring upon us and God is ready to release signs, wonders and miracles beyond what we have seen, so we must remain undistracted. I have such a sense of urgency in my spirit that we have a window of opportunity for harvest that God will back up with His power. We must work while it is day, for the night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4)!

In Australia most children grow up having learned how to body surf and catch a wave. When you recognize the wave is coming, you don’t just stand, looking at it, waiting for it to hit you! You turn around and start swimming, focused on and facing the direction you want to go. Then the momentum of the wave will carry you at an accelerated pace to shore. Be alert and be awake, recognizing the season and allow the Holy Spirit to refine your focus. The wave is coming! The Holy Spirit is revealing God-given missions and we must remain focused so as not to miss them. World-changing strategies are being released so stand in the Lord’s counsel and listen for His heart’s desires.

Remember, Past Triumphs will Empower Future Victories

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.” (Ps. 37:3)

As you get ready to take new ground and start new initiatives, it is important to feed on the faithfulness of God by remembering the victories of the past. David reminded himself of the victories God gave him over the lion and the bear and it encouraged him to trust God to give him victory over the giant.

Speak to the Mountain

Finally, it is important that we begin calling those things that be not as though they are (Rom. 4:17). Declaring the will of Heaven as though it has already happened will bring you into the place of victory. God calls those things that be not as though they are, and it is time we did too. Speak to the mountain and tell it to move! David declared what he was going to do to Goliath before he did it, confident in what God would do, and he saw the fruit of his words.

“A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Prov. 18:20-21)

Katherine Ruonala
Glory City Church

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