Prophecy: Berlin is the Backstop

Prophecy: Berlin is the Backstop

“Berlin is the backstop.” I heard those words as I stood on a stage at a prophetic conference in Berlin in late September.

In that moment, I had no real understanding as to what those words meant.

As I prayed and studied, light came. A backstop can mean many things, but the context here is Brexit, or Great Britain’s Exit from the European Union. The backstop is sort an insurance policy in the EU-UK Brexit negotiations. The backstop would leave the Irish border open, as it currently is, despite the outcome of Brexit.

The EU had proposed a Northern Ireland-only backstop, which would mean Northern Ireland would stay inEU’s single market and customs union. Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) would then be free to strike trade deals.

Today while in Scotland, I read talks over Brexit are on the brink of collapse as “source No. 10 said that Angela Merkel was making a deal impossible and Brussels accused Boris Johnson of trying to play a ‘stupid blame game,” according to The Guardian. “The row erupted after Johnson and Merkel had a phone conversation in which they could not find a common position over Northern Ireland.”

I have prayed in churches and meetings in Europe over this issue, but it has escalated. I am now calling for prayer across the body of Christ over this critical issue.

Pray that Berlin’s Chancellor Merkel will bow to the will of the Lord.

Pray that the “betrayal in Brussels” I previously prophesied about will be cut off.

Pray that God’s will is done in the British Isles.

Pray that enemy interference in Europe will not prevail.

Pray Queen Elizabeth will have boldness, per the previous prophecy.

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