Prophecy: Don’t Get Impatient in the Wilderness

Prophecy: Don’t Get Impatient in the Wilderness

Many of you are walking in this season looking for a shortcut through the trial, but your map is a little askew. You don’t know which direction to go because you’re not able to see too far in front of you. 

The Lord would say to you, “Stop frantically searching for the escape route.”

Some of you are impatiently traveling through your wilderness experience looking for a shortcut around the hard work of faith, waiting, and following God through the desert. However, the Lord wants you to stop looking for the shortcuts to your destiny and promises and just walk with Him. 

He is your shortcut and will take you on the shortest path that you need to walk on in order for Him to accomplish in your heart that which He is working on. So don’t take matters into your own hands by trying to escape the process that builds your character, trust, and faith. All you’re doing is prolonging your journey.  Just stay in the Father’s will and trust His perfect timing for your deliverance. 

I heard the Lord say:

“I am your way of escape and I will cause you to escape at the right moment and at the perfect time. So, stop looking for a shortcut because all you’re doing is delaying your journey. 

“All you’re doing by trying to take matters into your own hands is making the trip take longer. All that you’re doing by trying to find a faster way through is causing yourself more confusion, distress and frustration.”

“Just do it My way. Walk My way. Let My word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Don’t turn to the right or to the left because it seems like this is a better way because you can’t figure which way you’re going. You’re not hearing My voice or seeing the way. Just keep walking in My spirit and I will lead you by default. 

“I will order your steps. It’s guaranteed. I will do it for you because I promise that I am not a man that I should lie, nor the son of man that I should repent. I will do this for you. Stop trying to wiggle your way out of My process,” says God. 

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