Prophecy: Healing for the Seers After a Season of Warfare

Prophecy: Healing for the Seers After a Season of Warfare

The Lord is proclaiming healing for the seers!

In a recent Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, the Lord showed me clearly how the enemy has skewed the vision of many seers during a season of warfare. I prophesied:

“You’ve begun to see things not as they are but as the enemy wants you to see them… Whatever the enemy is showing you, just look around the corner because that is where something better lies. Just look around the corner.”

Seers, it’s one thing to see what the enemy is doing. It’s another thing to allow the enemy to mesmerize you with his evil acts to the point of fear or trauma. If you’re going to look and see what the enemy is doing, look in the Spirit and see what God wants to do also. Look in the Spirit and see what God has planned. Press in further and ask the Lord to show you the other side.


Let me put it another way. Some seers only see devils, devils, devils. But God is in there somewhere—God’s blessings, God’s angels, God’s strategy, God’s provision. You have to press past the demonic to see clearly the Lord’s plan in the matter. Again, ask the Lord to show you the other side.

I understand how some seers are mesmerized by what they see the enemy doing because the visions are so vivid. It’s almost overwhelming visually. But the Lord says,

“Take a glimpse, but don’t keep starring. Take a glimpse but don’t keep starring. Take a glimpse. Get the information I’m allowing you to see in the spirit. Get the information. Get the details, but don’t let it mesmerize you. Don’t let it throw you off course. Don’t let it cause you to stumble. Don’t let it bring fear in your heart. Oh, just take a glimpse. Write down the details, but then look for Me. I will show you things to come, not just what the enemy is doing, but the things that I want to do.”

As I continued praying, the Lord showed me the eyes of some seers have been polluted by what the enemy showed them in their dreams. You didn’t choose to see it—but the Lord is healing your eyes. Some of you don’t even want to dream anymore because of the terror you see in the night time. But the Lord is healing your eyes.


The Lord shows me that many seers stopped expressing their gift people didn’t appreciate it. People actually persecuted them for it because they didn’t like what you were seeing. The Lord wants to heal your hearts.

Here’s my prayer:

Lord, in the name of Jesus, bring the fullness of the expression of the seer to your seers. Bring balance to the seer anointing. Heal the eyes of the seers the enemy has terrorized. Heal the hearts of those who have been persecuted, in the name of Jesus. Raise up the seers to the positions and posts that you want them to have in this hour. Help the seers stand and withstand the onslaught that comes against their mind, even in their dreams, in Jesus’ name. God help them to walk worthy of the vocation to which You have called them, for Your glory.  Amen.

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