Prophecy: I am Watching Over Angels I Have Assigned to You

Prophecy: I am Watching Over Angels I Have Assigned to You

In a recent Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I heard the Lord say:

Cast your cares on Me. Cast them on Me. Cast them on Me. Throw them into My hands. Toss them up toward My throne. Cast your cares upon Me. Cast them out of your mind and into My hands because I can handle them. I can handle your cares better than you can handle them.

In your own strength, you can’t handle a thing, says God. But, if you just cast your cares upon Me, you will find that peace you’re looking for. The key is, you’ve got to stop taking them back. You’ve got to stop bringing them back into your mind and rolling them over in your soul. You’ve got to stop. You’ve got to give them to Me once and for all.

Let Me care for you. I care for you affectionately. I care for you. I’m watching over you. I’m watching over My Word in your life to perform it. I’m watching over the angels that I’ve assigned to you.

So just keep casting your cares upon Me because I really do care. I care about every tear that you shed. I care about all the emotions that you feel. I care. I’m with you. I feel them with you. I carry the burden of your heart, if you’ll let me carry it.

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