Prophecy: I Will Put You Back Together

Prophecy: I Will Put You Back Together

Sometimes, we can feel like the Humpty Dumpty, the character from the nursery rhyme about a character who had a great fall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put him back together again.

But the King can put you back together when you fall, fumble and fail. And He wants to. We need to let him.

I heard the Lord say, “I am able to put the pieces back together; every little grain, every little sliver, every little piece. I am able to put it back together. Your future is not lost. 

“Your present may seem as if it is destroyed because the enemy has come with destruction. The enemy has come to kill and to steal from you. But your future is not destroyed. Your future is not crushed. Your future is not shattered.

“I know you cannot see beyond where you are right now because it looks as if your reality is your reality forever. Your present reality is not your future reality. Your present circumstances are not your future circumstances. 

“I am the God of your future and I have gone before you to clean up things that have happened in your past and things that are happening in your present. I’ve already worked it all out. Just trust Me. I’ve already worked it all out.”

Will you trust the Lord? He really does work all things together for good. You can count on it.

Let’s pray:

Father, in the name of Jesus, would You help me trust you to pick up all my pieces and put me back together? Help me feel Your presence in the midst of my pain and chaos. 

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