Prophecy: Justice Is Being Served Upon the Merciful

Prophecy: Justice Is Being Served Upon the Merciful

Many in the body of Christ have walked through a difficult season of justice, slander, persecution, cursing and other demon-inspired attacks through people.

The strategy is clear: The enemy is trying to put out the fire of the burning ones through a constant assault on character, finances, and relationships.

If that’s you, it’s time to celebrate. I heard the Lord say, “justice served.” Hear the word of the Lord:

“I am releasing judgments in this season—righteous judgments against the enemies of your soul who have instigated and initiated injustices against you. For I am a God of justice and I release vindication and vengeance in My timing.

“My timing is now for those who have stood in faith and willfully chosen to return good for evil done to them. I am serving up justice for the merciful who have prayed for their persecutors and blessed those who cursed them.

“This is a season of justice. Walk in it.”

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If you are growing weary in well-doing when the wrong thing is happening to you, this is reason for rejoicing. You can expect a hearty serving of God’s justice if you have kept your heart right. If you have grown bitter in the battle, now is the time to repent, forgive and otherwise get your heart right so you can see the recompense God wants to pour out.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told us to bless our enemies—to bless those who curse you (Matthew 5:43-48). He wasn’t talking about blessing the devil, who is the real enemy, but people who the enemy is using to harm us. When you understand the Greek word for bless, you may cringe, but there’s power in obeying this command.

The Greek word for bless is “eulogeo.” According to The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon, it means, “to praise, celebrate with praises; to invoke blessings; to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers; to ask God’s blessing on a thing; pray God to bless it one’s use; pronounce a consecratory blessing on; to cause to prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on.”

This radical concept of blessing can be difficult to swallow, but the blessings that boomerang back on you will be difficult to contain.

Armed with this revelation, pray blessings on your enemies until you sincerely mean what you pray. This will deliver you from any unforgiveness, increase your authority in the spirit, and position you for radical justice in this season.

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