Are you ready to be pulled into the deep, deep places of the Spirit?
The Holy Spirit wants to take you to new realms of holiness and that requires you to cooperate with His grace. Put plainly, your flesh will not fit through the entrance to the Holy of Holies. In this season, our heart’s cry must be for a holiness that sets us free from worldly weights and sin.
God hasn’t called you to live with drama and trauma. He has called you to live with peace and joy, no matter your circumstances. Pursuing holiness will take you to that place.
I heard the Lord say:
“You must cooperate with the grace of holiness. You must cooperate with the grace that is on the inside of you. His name is Holy Spirit and He will sanctify you. He will bring you to the place of holiness that you have not yet seen. For there are measures of holiness and you walk in a measure.
“I have sanctified you because your sanctification must come. Just yield to it because I want to take you to the deep, deep, deep, deep places but that requires something of you. It requires something of your flesh because your flesh will not fit in the place I want to take you. Your flesh will not find room in the place I want to take you. You must crucify it. You must mortify it. You must put it under. Your heart’s cry must be ‘Oh Lord, let me decrease that you might increase.’
“When you humble yourself and say to Me, ‘I am yet a sinner saved by Christ, I am yet imperfect,’ then I will bring you to the next level of perfection.
“One day you will have a glorified body. In one day, you will not struggle with sin any longer for you will be with Me forever, where I am, in My Kingdom. But for now, it’s little by little, moment by moment, crying out to Me for the grace that you need to stand and withstand the temptations that take you out of My will and into the enemy’s camp.
“For I have not called you to live with drama and trauma, but I have called you to live with peace and joy, no matter your circumstances. So, let your hearts not be troubled. Press in for holiness because I want to make you into My Son’s image.
“I want to form you, mold you, and shape you so that you can walk as He walked. As He was in this world, so you can be now. Faith is now and if you’ll use your now faith to believe Me for the grace of holiness, you will see that things that bothered you don’t bother you anymore. Yet other things will bother you because they are not congruent with My holiness.
“You will begin to love what I love and hate what I hate and you will be an instrument of honor in My house. I will use you in a great and mighty way, and you will come to know that it was worth it to lay aside the childish things and put away the secret sin, the besetting sin and all the weights. You will come to know that it was worth it to let them go.
“Give Me your weights. Cast your cares on Me. I care for you so cast them on Me. Once and for all, cast them on Me because I care for you. Focus on holiness for I am holy, and I will take you to the deeper place when you prepare your heart to see what I want to show you.”
Meditate on these Scriptures:
But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy’ (1 Peter 5:15-16).
Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1).
Let’s pray:
Father, in the name of Jesus, make me holy even as You are holy. Help me to set myself apart for You and to cooperate with Your grace to set aside the things that hinder our fellowship. Purge me of besetting sins. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness and help me walk in purity.
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