Prophecy Offers Key to Overcoming Opposition to Your Next Season

Prophecy Offers Key to Overcoming Opposition to Your Next Season

Whatever you’ve been through in life, wherever you are now, and whatever it looks like, know this: there is more to the story. One day soon, the page will turn—you will not be in this chapter of your life forever. 

 The life you want and have been praying for is in Christ. Just hold on to Him and He will carry you into the abundant life that He has promised you. The Lord has a better life for you. Your latter really shall be greater than your past—or your present. 

 I heard the Lord say: 

 “Hold on and you will see My glory in your circumstances again. Just hold on and grab ahold of Me for dear life, as if your life depended on it, because it does. 

 “For I’ve written all your days in a book and I see your end from the beginning. So, although you feel overwhelmed by what you see round and about you, understand and know that the page will soon turn. You will not be in this chapter forever. So, just hold on and meditate in My book because I’ve got your book written. I’ve written a book and I’ve left it here for you to read—it’s called the Scripture. It’s called My Word, the Bible, and My Word over your life will not return void. It will not come back to Me bankrupt, but it will accomplish that which I sent it to do. 

 “So, start sending the Word. Send the word forth out of your mouth and watch the angels come; even the breakthrough angels will come to help and assist you, to break through the opposition in the spirit that you cannot see.  

 “You discern the opposition is there, but you cannot see it. You understand because you keep bumping into it, but you don’t know how to move it. And even though you’ve tried to cast the opposition into the sea, your faith has faltered and you’ve grown weary in well doing. But, just keep speaking the Word only and watch Me move. 

 “Watch the angels go to work and the demons flee. But you have to do it My way. It’s My way or no way because My ways are higher than your ways and I hold all the keys in My hand. I have given them to you, but you’ve got to use them. I’ve given you the keys to the kingdom, but you’ve got to turn the key. You’ve got to insert it into the lock.” 

I saw  by the spirit that God gave some of you a key, but you lost it. You were using the key and making progress. In other words, He gave you a strategy, outline or a blueprint. He told you what to do and you started on down that path and it started to work, but then the opposition came. The resistance came out of nowhere and you weren’t expecting it. Find the keys and keep going. 

Meditate on these Scriptures: 

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:11). 

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8). 

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). 

Let’s pray: 

Father, in the name of Jesus, put the right word in my mouth for the battle at hand. Illuminate the Scriptures that I can use to combat the opposition to my breakthrough. Help me find the keys have you have given me in the past that I can use now to overcome. 

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