Prophecy: Press Into the Shift in Your Heart

Prophecy: Press Into the Shift in Your Heart

Every morning, I gather with hundreds of people to pray prophetically in our Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls. This was birthed out of a week-long prayer series for my devotional by the same name over two years ago.

These calls have grown increasingly prophetic in nature. So much so that I complied a CD of prophetic songs, sounds and decrees that defy impossibilities called Dream Wild from words released in those early morning devotions. Below I’m offering a transcript of one of my prayer sets. I know this will inspire and encourage you!

Some of you are frustrated with your own spiritual growth. You’re pressing, you’re pressing, you’re pressing. But the Lord would say to you, remember, you are not the one who causes yourself to grow. For you are growing in my grace. And even though you can’t see it with your eyes, know that I’ve done a deep work, says the Lord, and I’m continuing to do this work in your heart. I am rooting you and grounding you deeply into My kingdom, deeply into My Son.

Some of you are frustrated with your own spiritual growth. You’re pressing, you’re pressing, you’re pressing. But the Lord would say to you, remember, you are not the one who causes yourself to grow. For you are growing in my grace. And even though you can’t see it with your eyes, know that I’ve done a deep work, says the Lord, and I’m continuing to do this work in your heart. I am rooting you and grounding you deeply into My kingdom, deeply into My Son.

And you might not see the fruit that you want to see now, says the Lord, but you will see it. Do not give up and do not grow weary in well doing because in due season—in the kairos time—in the perfect moment, you will reap a harvest if you do not faint.


You will see that peace in your life. You will see that joy in your life. You will see that compassion in your life. I am pulling out weeds that are in your heart even now. I am rooting them out even now, says the Lord, and you will see that as I water your soul with My Word and as you meditate on things I’ve said to you in past seasons you are going to begin to see the manifest, says the Lord, because you are coming into that place, you have cultivated your heart.

The fallow ground has been shaken up. You’ve seen some turbulence in your life. You’ve seen some things come to the surface and you said, “I thought that was gone, Lord. I thought I dealt with that, Lord.” But I have shaken it up, says the Lord, so it can come to the surface like dross when silver is being refined.

And you will see if you are willing to let go—really let go—says the Lord, that I will begin to water what remains and strengthen what remains. Those things that I have put in you, I will strengthen them and bring them to the fore and people will come and to you and say, “You’ve changed. What has shifted? What has happened?

And you will give me the glory, because you cannot change yourself. But I am changing you. I am the change agent in your life. The Holy Spirit is the change agent in your life—and the Holy Spirit dwells on the inside of you. And He is working on you even when you don’t know it. He is whittling away things that don’t belong there.

And as you yield to Him, says the Lord, as you yield to the work of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, you will see His fruit manifest, you will see His gifts manifest, you will see the love of God toward others—even those who have wronged you—manifest. You will see it, says the Lord.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening; Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God; The Making of a Prophet and Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer’s Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.

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