
Prophecy: Resurrecting Dreams and Payback

Prophecy: Resurrecting Dreams and Payback

“I’m going to resurrect some things. In this season in your life, I’m going to resurrect some things. Just like I resurrected my Son from the dead, there are some dead things in your life, and I’m wanting to resurrect them. So seek Me, “says the Lord, “and listen for my voice, because there will be some distractions that come your way that cause you to go after a resurrection in an area that I’m not calling you to pursue, and that will cause you to go after a resurrection in a stream that I have not called you to run in. There are some things indeed,” says God, “that you need to leave behind, that you need to cut loose, and that you need to let go. But there are some things that I’m going to resurrect in your life…even some dreams, some visions, some things that I spoke to your heart many years ago.”

I thank You, Lord. If You could raise Jesus from the dead…if you could raise us up into newness of life, God, You can resurrect our dreams. You can resurrect our hopes. You can resurrect!

Somebody feels like you are about to lose all faith because the enemy has attacked your hope. The enemy has come in like a flood to confuse you and to confound you, but the Lord says, “Hold on to your faith. Hold on to your hope, because I’m about to do a new thing in your life. I’m about to come around full circle in your life. I’m about to take you to a higher place, and that is why the enemy is trying to crush you. That is why the enemy is trying to press you down. That is why the enemy is trying to hold you back. That’s why it seems like every time you take a breath, every time you take a step, and every time you try to regroup yourself, something else comes to knock the wind out of you.

But the Lord says today, “Ride the Wind. Ride the wind of My Spirit. Ride the wind of My Son. Ride the wind of My Word. Ride the wind because I am in the wind. I’m  blowing away things from that past season in your life, and I’m blowing things in that should never have been taken away from you.”  

Oh God, thank You, it’s part of the payback. It’s part of the payback. I thank you, Lord. It’s part of the payback. I say the resurrection of your dreams is part of the payback. Oh, you’re gonna see the first fruits of it. You’re gonna see that little trickle, and then it’s gonna come like a flood. Look for the trickle. Look for the first fruit. Look for the obvious signs and the not so obvious signs. Oh, I thank You, Father, for what You are doing.

Tap into these Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls on Periscope. Follow me @propheticbooks. Be sure to get a copy of the devotional.

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