Prophecy Reveals God’s Plans for Revival Fire in Fiji

Prophecy Reveals God’s Plans for Revival Fire in Fiji

God is moving in the nations—and He has revival in mind.

On June 14, I prophesied about the Holy Spirit brooding over Argentina at Awakening House of Prayer. A few days later, on my morning prayer broadcast, the Lord spoke to me about visiting Fiji in a “spectacular” way. I heard the Lord say,

“I want to bring much fruit in Fiji—fruit for My kingdom, souls. The love of many has waxed cold in Fiji. I am about to ignite a new fire again amongst small cells of intercessors who are going to contend for an outpour of revival and another transformation.

“There is another mass harvest in Fiji. There is much fruit that remains for My Kingdom as the intercessors rise up and contend against that slumbering spirit that is trying to rest on the nation. I want to bring another awakening and revisit Fiji with revival again.

‘I have charged you intercessors in Fiji to grab hold of the horns of the altar to begin to repent for the slippage and the back sliding of many even in the church in Fiji. I will do a great work there in response to the heart cries of My people who have stood in the gap and have not slid and have not stepped out of the gap but stayed in the gap.

“Begin to gather and mobilize their intercessors. You, intercessors in Fiji, pull them in and teach them how to pray and your voice your collective voice the cry of unity will reach up to My throne and I will respond in kind.”

Fiji—a country in the South Pacific spanning over 300 islands—is rich with revival history, dating back to missionary John Hunt in the 1839. It was a tough territory with cannibals roaming about. In fact, in 1867 another missionary—Thomas Baker—was eaten by island natives. Nevertheless, Hunt saw revival during his ministry there and many lives were transformed. There have been key revivals since—and another awakening is coming.

In my book, The Next Great Move of God, I wrote about Fiji’s Healing the Land process. The seaside village of Nateleria, Fiji was the classic case of paradise gone wrong. No fresh water, a dead reef, and a rash of youth suicides. But that was before the 1,200 or so locals repented of their sin and rededicated their land to God. Two days later a brilliant light appeared over the coast setting the sea ablaze for 30 minutes. When it was all over, the reef had been healed and thousands of fish were swimming in the shallows.

Now, God wants to bring revival to Fiji again. The drug trade has resurged. Political chaos is a reality. Corruption is making headlines. But God is tugging on the hearts of intercessors to pray and fast for a new level of freedom in the Fiji islands—spiritual freedom for a new generation. Revival for a nation.

We do not have an Awakening Prayer Hub in Fiji yet, but I hope to visit there and make the connections. Fiji is on God’s heart.

Check out my book, The Awakening Fast as well as The Next Great Move of God.

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