Prophecy: South Africa is the Tipping Point of Revival for the Continent

Prophecy: South Africa is the Tipping Point of Revival for the Continent

As part of the Awakening Digital World Tour, we stopped in South Africa. I have a strong affinity for South Africa and many prayer warriors aligned with us there.

Admittedly, I am not a student of revival in South Africa and only learned of the revival history after receiving this prophetic word that i am sharing below. I heard the Lord say over South Africa:

“I am calling you to pull from your revival heritage. I am calling you to pray the prayers of the pioneers who pressed in and pursued revival long before you walked the earth. 

“If you will cultivate in your heart a passion for souls and pray for the harvest, I will rain down on you. I will rend the heavens and come down to you. I will pour My spirit out upon your nation again in such a way that ancient divisions will find healing in My presence. 

“You must pray like the pioneers and prophets from decades and centuries ago. They grabbed hold of my heart, not just the horns of the altar. I moved in their midst in a mighty way in response to their humble prayers. 

“South Africa will be awakened when the intercessors are fully awake and when the evangelists are prepared to reap the harvest. Pray, then, to the Lord of the harvest that He will ready laborers to reap after intercession is sown. Pray without ceasing until you see My will come to pass. 

“For many revivals will break out in Africa, but South Africa is the tipping point to awakening a continent.”

It’s time for the intercessors to tap into the prophetic words and prayers spoke over South Africa from many days gone by. It’s time to tap into the 1 Timothy 1:8 charge to wage war with the prophetic words spoken over the nation. It’s time to get aggressive in the Spirit. Who will pray?

Would you help me help you bring revival to your nation? Check out Awakening Prayer Hubs here, and join the movement.

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